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Darwin Straight?

I've been wet shaving for some time, but I am absolutely new to straights. I've seen all the hype for the Darwin cobalt DEs in the DE razor forum. I was looking at several straights available at a local antique store and came across this straight labeled Darwins Ltc Sheffield England (could be Ltd but part of the "d" wasn't imprinted). On the other side, it reads Darwin Patent Cobalt Steel, and of course what you see on the blade. I didn't inspect this razor as much as I should have as I was excited about the brand and condition of the blade, and unfortunately I missed that one of the scales is cracked at the nose end. The blade looks like it's never even been honed and there is not a spot on the blade. Is it possible that this razor was never used? Another factor that I'm curious about is the Co content - could this be what is responsible for such fine preservation over the years? The only reference to one of these was a sale on the BST for a similar razor with ivory colored scales several years ago and it also looked new. I'd love to know more about this razor such as period, history, and experience that anyone has had using one. Thanks!

I don't know anything about it but it looks nice. Scales can be changed so if the price is right it is not a deal breaker. I do hate when the edge is propped like that, any bump on it and crack.
Pretty nice looking razor. I wonder if it was a special edition in honor of some anniversary related to Darwin. As a fountain pen collecter, I see a fair amount of these. Often they are limited editions. Are there any marks indicating a limited edition that we cannot see in the pic? Either way, it is a nice looking razor.
I was thinking of new scales for certain and at the price I paid, I will probably just enjoy it. Twas only propped like that for a second with my watchful eye ensuring nothing nasty happened. That being said, the shank is probably a much better place to prop a straight for photo ops.

I noted both markings on the shank in the above post and this doesn't look to be a special edition by any way that I can discern. There are no markings on the other side of the blade. I believe that it is simply a regular razor made by Darwin Ltd. I feel that due to the cobalt content, there is a very good chance that this is the same company that made the famed Darwin and Darwin Deluxe cobalt DEs.

Thanks for the comments.
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