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Daily vs. Every Other Day

As my signature indicates, I like to shave every day. I enjoy the relaxing ritual, and I like to be clean shaven (well, except for my short, trimmed beard). However, I have noticed many times in the past that my best shaves are always after two days of growth, not one day.

I was reminded of this phenomenon this past weekend when I was not able to shave on Saturday due to time constraints. Sunday morning's shave, after two days of growth, was astoundingly good: irritation-free, and BBS on my neck (!) after five passes with an open-comb DE and Castle Forbes Lavender cream. It was the best shave I have had in a long, long time, and there was very little to shave the next day.

I am thinking that I might need to switch to shaving every other day, let my beard grow a little longer (to hide the second day's stubble better), and change my signature.

Has anyone else noticed that their shaves are always better after two days of growth rather than one day of growth?
I tend to be an every other day shaver. My beard growth is pretty slow so I have to wait a day for there to be enough to justify a shave.
Many of us have the same experience after skipping a day.
More time for your skin to recover and possibly longer whiskers being a little easier to cut.

It's a personal choice. Do what works for you.
I love a nice relaxing shave, but I have found that every other day works best for me. I don't really have a massive beard growth and an everyday shave seems to irritate my skin more. I also find I get a closer smoother shave going every other day.
You are not alone sir! I too have experienced this. Lately I have been alternating my shave days with shaving my head one evening and then my beard the next day. I even can skip an extra day with the head and often do with the beard as well on weekends. Those multi day growths always result in fantastic BBS shaves.
I usually take Saturday or Sunday off from shaving just to give my skin a chance to heal up. Inevitably the next shave is always excellent. I think it's more of a healing thing than a growth thing, at least for me, but a day off certainly helps.
Every other day. If I shave every day it usually just results in me shaving a little bit of hair off, but a lot of skin off.
In winter I usually shave every other day, however in the summer heat I shave every day , the itching is worse.
I think I tend to agree that I've gotten better shaves when my skin has had a little more time to heal and my bristles are a little longer, but I am an everyday "evening" shaver. If I skip a day, it's noticeable. My skin pretty much can handle it everyday as long as I don't overdo my shave with too many passes. Lately, I've been using pretty aggressive razors..... mostly open combs, my 37c, and ATT Atlas R1. But on Sunday I used a 40's style Super Speed and got a nice irritation free shave, but not nearly as close of a shave. The shave the next evening with my Atlas R1 was unbelievably good. I was removing so much stubble so efficiently that the razor actually clogged up big time and I have to loosen the cap to get the gunk out. Even after such a good shave, I don't think I could ever go to every other day. I just enjoy shaving too much and I have so many creams and soaps to use. My beard starts getting very itchy at around the day and a half mark as well..... for me, daily is the way to go.

Now that I am getting such good shaves, I could probably go every other day, if I wanted to. I enjoy it too much to wait. My compromise is to give my face one day of rest per week, either Saturday or Sunday.
I prefer to shave either every other day , or at least 36 hours between shaves , I feel it gives my skin a chance to heal and I enjoy have a longer beard growth to shave..
I shave every day because I enjoy doing it. But to be honest, every 36 hours or 1.5 days works the best for my skin. I skip sometimes 2-3 shaves per month.
I prefer shaving every day. I didn't shave this morning, and I don't like the scruff. However, I do notice its nice to see a little more hair in the sink after multiple days growth. Feels like your getting more done.
For my first few months of DE shaving, I got better results if I shaved every other day. Now that my technique has improved, including my prep and my lather, I actually prefer to shave every day. Not only do I enjoy it too much to skip a day, I find that more than one day of growth of my steel wire-like whiskers really shortens the life of a blade. Nick
Heavy beard over here, so I shave every day. Also, I hate looking scruffy.

Sometimes I will take a Saturday off.
Now that I have found a couple of soaps that are irritation free, I shave everyday.

However, I only shave with the grain, and across the grain in some heavy areas. I'm prone to ingrown hairs, so I figure I'm better off shaving less close, more frequently than the other way around.
Every other day for me, I always try to hit monday morning with a cold water shave, helps me get ready for the work week!
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