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Cucina Italiano- A Photo-Essay of fettuccine con salsa di crema di funghi pancetta

I had the house to myself tonight so i decided to prepare a dish featuring local fresh produce.

I decided to use:
Pomodori (tomatoes) from the garden.
Panchetta (bacon) from the local farm
Funghi (mushrooms) from nearby kennett square pa, the mushroom capital of the world
Burro (butter) from local farm
Crema (cream) from local farm
homemade fettucine, from flour and eggs from our chickens.
Origano (oregano) fresh from the garden
Vino Bianco del Piemonte (white wine from Piemonte, Italy)

first I chopped the Mushrooms

Then the tomatoes


then the oregano


I cooked the mushrooms with butter till the water that released was almost gone. then i added the tomatoes


I let reduce then i added the wine, about 1/2 cup

At this point i added the diced, pan fried bacon. 2 slices.


I let simmer till almost all of the wine was gone.

stay tuned for the conclusion.
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I lost the photo of adding the oregano but i did that a minute or two before adding the cream.

Once the wine had reduced: add the cream(I used half and half to cut Kcals)


I put my Moka Pot on for some caffé espresso


Meanwile i had boiled water to cook the fettucine that i made earlier in the day.

Added the fettucine


mixed it all up and plated. paired with a generous glass of the wine I used earlier. and the espresso with a spot of sugar.


Enjoyed the fruits of my labor.
when i had finished eating,

I finished off with an ice cold shot of homemade limoncello.


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