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Crystals or Israeli Red Personnas?

Thread is in a better home now with a one month redirect.

I think Crystals are slightly smoother but Red Pack IP's are slightly sharper. They are pretty close in performance. The price drives me to the Red Packs, excellent value!
Having used both on many occasions, I find the IPs on average a little more smoother and a little more sharper. However, we are not talking a significant difference in each category.
I found Red Personnas back in the fall and Wound up order 100 of them from West Coast Shaving. I think they are great.
I Like them both, and rotate them regularly. I think I like the crystals a little more.

I will continue to purchase both.
Does anyone still sell the Reds? I didn't see them on the Bay and I keep seeing they're OOS at other places.

Also, it's Crystals by a hair for me.
The Red IP's just don't seem to be able to cut through thicker area's of the beard for me. While Crystals get the job done :thumbup1:
Im finding the Crystals to be a bit inconstitent. I'll have great shaves, then once in a while it will just tear my face up with lots of irritation. Im going to give IP's a try, and probably the Lord's as well.
Im finding the Crystals to be a bit inconstitent. I'll have great shaves, then once in a while it will just tear my face up with lots of irritation. Im going to give IP's a try, and probably the Lord's as well.

Totally agree with you there. When they're "on" Crystals are almost as sharp and smooth an RPs. But when they're off, which is often, they're slashers.

Jeff in Boston
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