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Critique a photo for me

Weekend getaway to Santa Cruz, CA with the wife and some friends. I snagged this pic of a street performer on my cell phone and am hoping I could get some crticisms and critques.



Antique Hoosier

I like maudlin characters like those in a Edwin Hopper painting. The street performer looks too "mime-like" to me.... perhaps he goes home to a neat condo and fixes Tiki Masala for his girlfriend. The other Gent chain smokes Vantages and works crossword puzzles, spelling most of the answers incorrectly. I'm not a professional photographer myself but I am an Auctioneer and Estate Appraiser as well as an Art lover, especially photography. perhaps you were not intending to make an artistic statement but rather to document an event in a candid way....If that was the case, the photo looks a bit staged and as I mentioned, you did include the best part of it by catching the observer.
Crop out the top 1/3 to eliminate the tree branches and movie marquee.

That will give much more impact to the two main points of focus. (Three if you include the pizza on the ground.)
This shot it straight out of the camera (phone) and I was just walking by. He was juggling these large pots and had just caught it when I snapped the pic, no staging and minimal framing. I liked the expression on his face, and he had a cheesy act. I'm hoping to clean up this image a bit for better quality.

Thanx for the info! I will crop it. Oh, and that was a large pile of broken glass on the ground, I assume for walking bare foot on later in his performance.

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