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Cream for SWMBO

The SWMBO will be attempting DE shave #1 in the next few days with the Lady Gillette I picked up for her. Any recommendations for a shaving cream? I was thinking about maybe getting her some KMF, it's brushless right? How does that work for any of the ladies out there that have tried it without a brush? I'm not sure that she's ready to mess around with a brush yet.
You could do worse than getting an Arko stick for your other half. I cut my first stick in half (my half was pressed into a bowl) and my wife uses her half to shave in the shower. I occasionally soap my face with the stick as prep during my morning shower and it does lather up well just using my hands.
I'm much more of a soap gal to be honest and always use a brush but I hear Cremo is good.
Why not create a bowl of lather for her though? And just tell her to add a drop or two of water and give it a quick swirl as she goes along as it'll dry a little ( legs are a lot of surface area to shave!).
Once she's tried a brush once I'm sure she'll like it.
Many women have recommended Taylor of Old Bond Street Avocado Shaving Cream. That is what I bought for my wife, but she has yet to try it.
My gf started using a Lady Gillette a couple weeks ago. I gave her a tube of the Real Shaving Co and my tweezerman brush. I taught her to lather directly on her legs, worked out well. She's watched me lather on my face a few times and didnt even really need me to explain it. I told her just put an almond size ammount in the middle of the brush and go.
Oh, for the warmer months, get Proaso. My wife loves the stuff. She also loves Figaro, but that is more of a soft soap/hard cream, but it is her favorite.
I don't like RSC. Cremo is the best brushless for me. KMF I've found to be much better when used with a brush but it's good either way. Lathering is the most fun part! Encourage her to use a brush. and join B&B!
Well she went ahead while I was at work yesterday and said she liked it, only got a couple of small nicks. Here's the bad part. She used my old Barbasol canned goo :thumbdown. Going to have to fix that soon. Thanks for all the recommendations.
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