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Counting blade use

You guys have any particular method for counting the number of times you use a blade?

I bought dice a week or so ago and like the approach.
Not really. I try to use one for a whole week and try to start with a fresh one on Sunday. I don't usually have more than one going at a time, instead, I'll remove it from the razor it's in and load it in the razor I want to use.
I don't try to keep up. I use a new Astra SP 2 or 3 times. The blades are so cheap, and there is really no need to try to keep up with how many shaves I have on a blade.
I just use a blade until the shaves begin to feel uncomfortable. I usually do not get much agitation, burn, tugging, etc. when the blades are fresh. If I notice any of those things taking place then I change my blade. If I were to guess, I would say a blade typically lasts 3-4 shaves for me.


System Generated
I just use a blade until the shaves begin to feel uncomfortable. I usually do not get much agitation, burn, tugging, etc. when the blades are fresh. If I notice any of those things taking place then I change my blade. If I were to guess, I would say a blade typically lasts 3-4 shaves for me.



three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I just use a blade until the shaves begin to feel uncomfortable. I usually do not get much agitation, burn, tugging, etc. when the blades are fresh. If I notice any of those things taking place then I change my blade. If I were to guess, I would say a blade typically lasts 3-4 shaves for me.

+1 Med Preps usually go closer to a whole week.
I just use a blade until the shaves begin to feel uncomfortable. I usually do not get much agitation, burn, tugging, etc. when the blades are fresh. If I notice any of those things taking place then I change my blade. If I were to guess, I would say a blade typically lasts 3-4 shaves for me.

I go with this less scientific approach. Sometimes I'll get 2-3 shaves, sometimes I'll get 4-5 shaves
I use a different razor and blade every day. I may have anywhere up to a dozen blades unwrapped at any given time

When I finish my shave, I remove the blade from the razor, drop it on a towel, fold a corner of the towel over and pat it dry. I then move the blade to one of 6 blade wrappers that are marked 1 thought 6 for the number of shaves the blade sitting on that wrapper has on it.

When I shave, I decide which razor to use, then I grab one of the unwrapped blades and shave. Once done I dry the blade and move it down to the next numbered wrapper.

This is about the only way I can keep track of how many shaves I have on a dozen open blades.

I usualy just go by feel, which usually ends up being about a week per blade, but if the mood strikes I'll randomly load up a new one
Turtle, you are the man!

I may only use the same razor for a couple of days or change after one day...and I do not swop out blades before they're done. Hence the dice.
Turtle, you are the man!

I may only use the same razor for a couple of days or change after one day...and I do not swop out blades before they're done. Hence the dice.

I keep looking for dice at every thrift store to keep track of the shaves on my injector razors since the blade can't be removed without damaging it.

Even when I only had 1 razor I always pulled the blade, dried it and the razor, and stored them separately. This is the way I was taught to take care of my shaving tools. Over the years I have not changed anything and I have never had an issue so I stuck with it and now it is second nature.

The numbered papers was the only quick and easy idea I came up with for keeping track of use on multiple blades. When I have a dozen blades unwrapped I have a full month worth of shaves sitting out.
I have a very simple but extremely useful method.

I have a red permanent sharpie in the drawer with my shave utensils. After each shave I simply poke a red dot on the blade.

3-4 dots = done. Simple.
I like the dice idea, since I started using it after reading about someone else doing the same. I use Astras for 3 days and then change. Plus, i personally feel that there is something cool about dice . . . haven't figured out what, though. Maybe it's a reminder of my trip to Las Vegas (a ton of fun, and I went skydiving for the first and possibly last time!) . . .
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