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Could it be that the razor isn't for me?

Hiya guys,

Quick question...I have been DE shaving off-and-on for 4-6 months or so, and I'm just not satisfied at the moment. I feel like I can't get a good shave, and/or get a lot of irritation. I'm not knocking DE, because obviously it works very well for lots of people here, but at the moment I am leaning toward going back to a Mach 3 or Sensor Excel.

I accept that a lot of it may be my technique, but the bottom line is that I have put a lot of effort into it and am still not getting the results I want. I have tried a few different blades and razors, but one thing I have recently pondered is that all of the razors have been made by Merkur (34c, slant, and most recently the Bakelite). I'm just wondering if I should seriously consider trying different razor brands before moving on. This is pretty much the opposite of RAD, I just want to make sure I'm not missing out.

So, could the brand of razor really make a difference and, if so, what should I consider?


Try something more radical than changing brands. Try changing the number of edges on your razor. Something in the range of... say, oneish. You'd be surprised, the difference it can make ;)

Pick of a GEM 1912 and a GEM Micromatic from the B/S/T. Buy some Personna GEM blades from walgreens. Switching to SE made all the difference in the world for me.
You are not alone...I had a similar experience...I tried the de thing for about six months and it just did not work quite right for me. I went back to using a cart razor, but discovered the Shick Hydro (3 blade) and love it. It blows Gillette out of the water in terms of quality and comfort of my shaves. One thing I did learn on my de quest was the power of a good brush and quality soap/ cream. I still continue to use the "wet shaving" method today with fantastic results.
Pick up a cheap and worn Gillette Tech from the B/S/T just to check. They are very mild and for just a few bucks you know the answer to your question.
Try something more radical than changing brands. Try changing the number of edges on your razor. Something in the range of... say, oneish. You'd be surprised, the difference it can make ;)

Pick of a GEM 1912 and a GEM Micromatic from the B/S/T. Buy some Personna GEM blades from walgreens. Switching to SE made all the difference in the world for me.

I was shocked after spending so much time in my DE hunt that the SE unit gives me the BBS Shaves I was looking for.
Walgreen's Personna GEM blades are the best!

Switching razors worked for me---the difference was night and day---and that's even before experimenting with different blades.

Stick with it and try different combinations---sooner or later you'll find what works for YOU.

Everything on here is what works for somebody else---a good starting place---but maybe not what YOU need---try different razors--blades--soaps/creams--techniques ect.. Eventually you'll find what you need for YOU---then you can post about your great shaves too. Don't be afraid to try something new or radically different from conventional wisdom here--its your face after all and nobody else's.
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The first thing I would do is check my lather. If the lather is good, try a few different blades. I have a Merkur 1904, and a 23C, and if I had to make do with no other razors, it would not be a hardship. If you want to try a ball-end Tech, I have one with some plate loss on the head, yours for $10.00 shipped CONUS, send me a PM if you want it.
I'm trying many types or razors, blades, and creams. Things are going well for me and I'm only a little over a month into DE/SE shaving. Some of my best shaves have been with a Schick E2 injector. However, I have a Feather AS that I really like and get good shaves with it too. I'm working on prep, lather, and technique and seeing improvement.

As an aside...We have a B/S/T forum. My impression is that if you want to sell things you do it there.
Hiya guys,

Quick question...I have been DE shaving off-and-on for 4-6 months or so, and I'm just not satisfied at the moment. I feel like I can't get a good shave, and/or get a lot of irritation. I'm not knocking DE, because obviously it works very well for lots of people here, but at the moment I am leaning toward going back to a Mach 3 or Sensor Excel.

I accept that a lot of it may be my technique, but the bottom line is that I have put a lot of effort into it and am still not getting the results I want. I have tried a few different blades and razors, but one thing I have recently pondered is that all of the razors have been made by Merkur (34c, slant, and most recently the Bakelite). I'm just wondering if I should seriously consider trying different razor brands before moving on. This is pretty much the opposite of RAD, I just want to make sure I'm not missing out.

So, could the brand of razor really make a difference and, if so, what should I consider?



It won't hurt to try different razors, although if you're getting a lot of irritation I'd suspect a flaw with your technique, your lather, or possibly both. I'd also suggest sticking with one DE razor while you sort this out, probably the 34C.
I have never tried a merker however if you are interested I would be willing to trade, a black combat tech and a flaretip as for one of the merkers that you don't like. If you are interested pm me. If you include a list of blades you have tried I can throw together a little sampler with it.
Yes, I'd suspect lathering or shaving technique, and would work on that rather than buy even more razors. DougK's suggestion of sticking with just the 34C seems good. If you can't solve it that way, I guess the question is, how much effort do you really want to put into it?

If you've at least learned to make a better lather, then you've gotten something out of the whole experience, something that will help with your cartridge razors as well as with DE ones. How is the lather going? If you go back to one of your cartridges at this point, are you satisfied with the shave you get? If so, then you may want to put the DEs aside for a while at least.
Even though it might seem like good money after bad, I'd second the suggestion above to try a Tech.

Of the razors you listed, they're all at what B&B users seem to consider the "Medium to high" aggressiveness razors. They'd all give me the same issues they gave you. A tech does me fine, as does a vintage Gillette adjustable on "3".

At the end of the day though, all this insanity is only a good thing if it gives results. If it doesn't, there are pleeeeeeenty of other fine obsessions out there looking for a volunteer. :thumbup1:
Hi all,

Thanks for the tips and sorry for the delay here. I will try to hit on everything briefly.

First of all, my dissatisfaction with DE is that I just don't feel like I can get a good shave without irritation (and to some degree, a good shave at all). And by irritation, I don't mean that I get ingrowns or anything, but my face just doesn't feel "comfortable" and my skin doesn't look great, either. Could moving to a less aggressive razor actually help me get a closer shave, too?

To a lesser degree, I have the same complaint about cartridges. I'm not crazy about the shaves I get with carts (I moved to DE for a reason), but I do feel like I can get a.) a closer shave, b.) with less irritation, and c.) in less time with a cartridge.

I don't think lather is the problem. I generally use Proraso soap or The Body Shop cream, but lately I have been using T&H creams from a sampler. I feel like I get a pretty good lather, and am able to get through 2 or 3 passes with touch-ups and still rinse good lather out of my brush when I'm done. And, if it's my technique, I don't deny it, but I have put a lot of effort into it and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. So, if that is the case, I think I'm done.

Finally, to those of you who have offered other razors at cheap prices: I am definitely interested, but there are two complications: the first is that I live in Germany. So, shipping would be more but shouldn't be too much, and I'm obviously happy to pay the difference. The other is that I can't access my PayPal account from here without their automated security systems freaking out and locking my account. I think I have discovered a way around that, though. So, if you guys are still willing to help me out and ship to Germany, please let me know (either here or by PM).

I neglected to mention earlier that I am definitely curious about other types of razors, and have been wanting to try an injector in particular, and possibly a shavette with the intention of moving toward a real straight. Maybe the issue is with my skin and I just need to learn to lower my expectations of what I can get out of a daily shave. If that is the case then so be it, but I think I will probably stick with the carts...

Thank you all very much for your help,

Try a gillette tech. I just made a post about how derby blades ans astras rip my face up In my progress n I never touched them again until i tried them I. A gillette razor.

My advice try a different brand. Maybe a slim n set it to 4 with a feather. I find using a real sharp blade + mild mild raZor equal never any irritation no matter how fast I go or slow


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Finding what works best for you require some tests and if it's a Mach3 in the end, that's all right.

The problems that you have seems to be linked to technique. Always remember, no pressure, the razor and blade must do the work.

Your prep and lather are crutial for a good shave...
Don't give up on DE shaving just yet. I have been wet shaving for about 30 years now. But I only started DE shaving in the last 2 years. It takes time. There are so many razors. So many blades. So many soaps and creams. And so much technique to learn. In the end it is a combination of these things that will make all the difference. Persevere and you may be surprised. And forget about BBS. Just dont try. Accept less and work on technique. You'll get there.
I'd try a vintage Gillette NEW or Tech. My NEW seems to be just right for scraping my face.

YMMV, of course.

How about adding a preshave oil? Condition before hand. Are you shaving post shower, while the stubble is still damp?
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