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Could I have landed my birth year shaver?

Hello friends:)

Today I poudly took delivery of my fourth ( and final for the time being) razor, a Black Adjustable Gillette.

However, the seller on the bay said they did not know the date, nor do I. I have done quite a bit o searching and from what I gather, they started doing these in '77, and I was born in '78. ( I know, I know, I'm barely old enough to shave, but what can I say ;) )

I have not seen many '78 Gillette's since I started on this journey. Could this be it?

Also, is the black under-cap part any indicator of the year of this razor? Most of the ones I have seen are not like this one.

One final thing, I have done a bit of research about cleaning, (especially since I turned my tech black a while ago), and although this is ALREADY black, I don't want to go turning the damn thing silver,lol. It is not too bad, but I want it to look it's best. It's quite good as it is.

Any advice would be, as usual, greatly appreciated ....

I also uploaded a pic of the requisitioned silver finish tooth-brush holder I decided to use as a razor holder, gotta utilize all available resources ;)
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The Super Adjustables past 1978 had black caps, but if I'm not mistaken, there should be a date code under the silo doors.
Hiya guys,
Yeah, I looked inside when I picked it up, but it says A2 inside. Could that be right? I seen some A2's online, but they were 55' or something??

How should I feel being born in 1989? I'll never get an awesome birth year razor unless I find a Slim Twist that was made in '89.
Oh yes you can...but they're hard to come by. I scored a superspeed on the BST a few months ago. It was my birth quarter; I was born in '88. According to the date chart your year was the last, but it would be a black handle with a "J" date code. Many told me I couldn't get on either. Just be on the look out. Good luck!
Thanks guys.
She's still a beauty. Feels better in the hand than all my others so far. I'm gonna break it in today with a personna and some TOBS sandlewood. What a start to the day ;)

I came across one Y code '78 superspeed NOS on the bay, however, it's 69.95 buy it now/best offer. Seller refused offers of 20 and 30. It seems a bit much tbh, for a black handle superspeed though :( Who know's what will pop up in the future.

Thanks again guys :)
Pay attention to the number after the letter as well. The number is the quarter of the year that it was made. Mine's in April, so mines Y2.
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