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Coti shape question

Is it hard to hone on a bout? Do you all use the entire length of the stone, or can you use just parts of the stone?
Just as long as you have at least 100x40mm of runway you can get by with it. Anything smaller will take forever to accomplish anything unless you have a good bit of experience. When looking at bouts try to imagine the size of the rectangle inside and judge if its large enough for you.
If you are shopping for bouts the absolute best shape is a rectangular(ish) stone with a missing corner, but bouts are a lot of fun. Actually, I find it more fun to hone on a bout because it has more character :thumbup1:
If you order from thesuperiorshave.com Jarrod lists the "maximum inside rectangle dimensions" for each one.

I can't actually comment on honing, but I've spent the last week researching coticules and ordered my first coti bout a few days ago! Can't wait to try it out.
Honing on about is no different than a regular coti unless you get a small square one. For a beginner you should get one that at least has some resemblance of a rectangle. The first Bout I got from Jarrod was basically a recatngle with a corner missing. Those are great because they are less money and the same size size as a normal coti. If you email Jarrod he will pick one out with you or you can call him.Careful though he can be chatty.:001_smile
i find you need a bout with a good edge down one side i have diamond shaped bouts they have to many corners and there not nice to use . if you order a bout you need to state its for a razor you should get the right shaped bout.. i prefer longer bouts width from say 20 to 40mm
Honing on about is no different than a regular coti unless you get a small square one. For a beginner you should get one that at least has some resemblance of a rectangle. The first Bout I got from Jarrod was basically a recatngle with a corner missing. Those are great because they are less money and the same size size as a normal coti. If you email Jarrod he will pick one out with you or you can call him.Careful though he can be chatty.:001_smile

The rectangular ones are a bit easier with to start with. I have a few with weird shapes and they are fine once you already know how to hone. But, even then, one nice long edge does make it easier. :001_smile
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