Gent's with the last week of entering the '09 Holiday season, i've been giving some thought to a sabbatical for purchasing any shave related products.
For over a year now i've bought and sold quite a bit of shave gear, learning what i like and progressing into straights. Now that i've found a range of world wide and renound products of which i have at least a 15 year supply of; i think it would be equally rewarding to get to know those products.
Do I want you to join me? yes!
Will we each have our own caveats? a resounding Yes!
For instance:
I am only partially sold on this idea. however, i recently bought a bottle of Brut Aftershave that i doubt i'll ever use.
If i slip up and just NEED to pick up a NOS Le Grelot that pops up on Ebay, i know you'll be here to support me as well will i for you if you choose to join in.
i would also like to be decidedly clear that this is not a sabbatical from B&B. It will be fantastic to chat with gents (who are potentially doing the same thing) about the items we've got and are happy or unhappy with throughout the year.
Lastly, is 2009 preparation for the 2010 purchase sabbatical.
Personally, i think i will need the following:
For over a year now i've bought and sold quite a bit of shave gear, learning what i like and progressing into straights. Now that i've found a range of world wide and renound products of which i have at least a 15 year supply of; i think it would be equally rewarding to get to know those products.
Do I want you to join me? yes!
Will we each have our own caveats? a resounding Yes!
For instance:
- I will want to purchase a razor for myself as a birthday gift
- B&B LE's - throughout the year B&B offers One-of-a-kind items we only have 1 opportunity to take advantage of
- Gifts - I will refuse to let others not have gift ideas for me.
I am only partially sold on this idea. however, i recently bought a bottle of Brut Aftershave that i doubt i'll ever use.
If i slip up and just NEED to pick up a NOS Le Grelot that pops up on Ebay, i know you'll be here to support me as well will i for you if you choose to join in.
i would also like to be decidedly clear that this is not a sabbatical from B&B. It will be fantastic to chat with gents (who are potentially doing the same thing) about the items we've got and are happy or unhappy with throughout the year.
Lastly, is 2009 preparation for the 2010 purchase sabbatical.
Personally, i think i will need the following:
- a second tub of Omega shaving soap - one at the girlfriends house just may not last!
- a 3rd strop - in case of nick/cut disasters there will need to be a replacement available.
- 444 balm from - 1 tube will last about 6 months. i use this everyday.
- a little boar brush - I can't have my curiosity killing me for a year
- The B&B LE '09 Kent Shave Brush - This will be paid for in '09 and received in '10, but should not go without a mention.