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complete pipe newbie, need help!!

After getting into the DE shaving as much as I have I thought I might try my hand at smoking a pipe. I've always loved the smell and it brings back fond memories of my grandfather. I dug out his collection from my closet and started cleaning the outside of the pipes and polishing up the stand and humidor. My question now though is what to do next? The pipes have all been used and I've heard something about shaving the cake down but I don't have a pipe tool and I'm not sure how to clean the insides. Do I need to get anymore supplies other than tobbaco? Also what would be a good/cheaper tobacco to start with? Sorry for all the questions and thanks in advance for the help.
The cake should be about a dime's thickness or so. If there's a pipe shop nearby they should be able to cut the cake back for you if needed, and would also be able to set you up with a sample of different types of tobaccos.

Beware the cheap stuff sold in drug stores. There are good drugstore pipe tobaccos but there are some that are difficult to smoke well. Captain Black for example contains propylene glycol which absorbs moisture from the air. This keeps it from drying out, but it also tends to keep it too wet so it tends to burn your mouth and tongue. If you can find Carter Hall, Granger, or Walnut these are all good drugstore blends. But your local tobacconist will have a much larger selection, including some very nice bulk blends and tinned blends.
The pipe tools work fine but you can do about as well with carefull use of a pocket knife blade. Just slow and steady. As for the tobacco, like soaps and creams -- you will need to try a few to see what works for you. A visit to a tobacco shop may be worth your time to get some ideas. As well as asking any friends who may smoke pipes what they recommend.
What's the good word?

Using some grain alcohol or other high proof (greater than 100) and some pipe cleaners will be the first step to cleaning the inside of the pipe. As mentioned before, Dubinthedam on YouTube has some good cleaning videos.

You will need to post pictures of the cake to answer that question. A local pipe shop or Smokers Forum will be a good place to start.

Have fun.
I just wanted to add a bit of clarification, pipe tool is one of those words that get thrown around a lot. You are going to want a tamper and a reamer. Good functional examples of both can be had for very little. The tamper is used during smoking to tamp down the ash as you smoke and I would recommend a Czech tool which can be had for around $2 or so. A reamer trims back the cake and I used a buntner reamer for years, they can be had for $8-$10.
I just wanted to add a bit of clarification, pipe tool is one of those words that get thrown around a lot. You are going to want a tamper and a reamer. Good functional examples of both can be had for very little. The tamper is used during smoking to tamp down the ash as you smoke and I would recommend a Czech tool which can be had for around $2 or so. A reamer trims back the cake and I used a buntner reamer for years, they can be had for $8-$10.

I just found this info useful. I don't own a reamer, though. I'm new to pipes too but haven't needed one yet. I use a Czech tool or a knife similar to this. I hear good things about the Rodgers Pipe Knife. This looks kind of cool too, although not useful for trimming back cake. This is a pretty good selection of pipe tools, too.

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After getting into the DE shaving as much as I have I thought I might try my hand at smoking a pipe. I've always loved the smell and it brings back fond memories of my grandfather. I dug out his collection from my closet and started cleaning the outside of the pipes and polishing up the stand and humidor. My question now though is what to do next? The pipes have all been used and I've heard something about shaving the cake down but I don't have a pipe tool and I'm not sure how to clean the insides. Do I need to get anymore supplies other than tobbaco? Also what would be a good/cheaper tobacco to start with? Sorry for all the questions and thanks in advance for the help.

Sign up over at www.smokersforums.co.uk. Best pipe tool of all!:thumbup:

Also, sterilize the stems. Estate pipes are a great way to get really expensive broken in pipes at a fair price, usually half of the new price. Ease into it as this will be a learning experience. you will have many relights which is ok. Get a Zippo Pipe lighter [$20], some pipe cleaners[$2] and some bulk tobac from a cigar/pipe shop near you.
Here are a few:

Cigar Guy, The
216 Redfern Village
St. Simons Island GA 31522

Island Cigar Co
1612 Frederica Rd Ste 103
Saint Simons Island, GA 31522

Corner Cigars 130 Center Street Saint Simons Island

(912) 634-9944

Also, explain to the shop owner that you are a newbie at this and they generally will be very helpful. You may want to start with an aromatic tobac and work you way into english blends and latakias, which will be very flavorful if you can get used to them. Feel free to pm me if you have any questions.
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I really appreciate all the help you guys are giving me. Most people probably think it's crazy for a 32 yo to smoke a pipe but I think it sounds very relaxing. I'm definitely going to check on those shops that are close to me. Thanks again.
I really appreciate all the help you guys are giving me. Most people probably think it's crazy for a 32 yo to smoke a pipe but I think it sounds very relaxing. I'm definitely going to check on those shops that are close to me. Thanks again.

I started in my 30's so not so crazy after all......:lol:
I turn 41 this year.
I really appreciate all the help you guys are giving me. Most people probably think it's crazy for a 32 yo to smoke a pipe but I think it sounds very relaxing. I'm definitely going to check on those shops that are close to me. Thanks again.

I'm 31, and it is relaxing. :001_smile

I'm 22, so no worries about being 'too young.' the good advice has all been given at this point, for the most part, but I will add a couple of things:

First, you will burn your tongue when you start smoking a pipe. This is unavoidable, in particular if a person starts out with aromatic blends, which is what you seem to want since you referenced a nice smell. Don't worry, it happens, but will eventually stop when you learn better smoking skills. Just keep at it.

Second, learn to smoke slowly.

Third, follow the previous advice about finding a B&M and starting an account at smokersforums.

EDIT: Fourth, and very important, you will not likely taste much at first unless you have extraordinary taste buds. This is normal. Give yourself a few months and your palate will be developing and you'll get much more out of it than you did previously. If you still don't taste much after a few months, ask around for some recommendations on more robustly flavored tobaccos, as it may be that the stuff you're smoking simply doesn't have much flavor. Don't continue puffing like a train and burning your tongue in hopes of getting flavors that just aren't there out of a very mildly flavored tobacco.
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Really great advice so far.

What can I add:glare:...

If they are older estates, I would definitely clean them thoroughly with Everclear and give them a good reaming. If you aren't capable of doing this yourself, I highly recommend Ronni at NightOwl pipe repair; his prices are very fair and he does amazing work... http://www.nightowlpipeworks.com/

You are going to definitely need some pipe cleaners and a Czech tool (combo tool with tamper).

As for tobaccos, I would recommend starting with the Best of the best... my recommendations are Aurora from McClelland, 3 Oaks Syrian from McClelland, and maybe a nice burley like Solani Aged Burley flake. You can pick up those 3 times for about $26. I would recommend Rich at 4noggins, great service!

I would definitely recommend joining or reading some of the posts at Smoker Forums. Some of the biggest collectors and most knowledge pipers hang out over there.

Geo dudes advice was spot on as well. Puff slowly at first, even if that means more re-lights than desirable. You really don't want nasty tongue bite because you are puffing away like a locomotive.

If you have any more questions, don't be shy... pipers love talking about pipe smoking and love see new people interested in the hobby.:thumbup:
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