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collection to reflex Gillette history

I need to focus my RAD. The logical thing seems to be to collect a representation of the history of American made Gillettes. So I'm asking for help. Would it be best to go by type or decade? I'm not looking to collect every razor ever made but maybe a dozen or so.
With that said what would you list?
I'd say the must haves for a representation of Gillette razors would be an Old Type with either a "brownie", or if you want to go deluxe you could track down an ABC set.

A New Standard or New Improved is definitely needed, as well. My personal grail set for one of these is the Bostonian. That case is pretty killer!

You'll also need a New, with the general consensus being the Long Comb version.

An adjustable is required in any Gillette collection, and here I'd have to tip my hat to the Fatboy over a Slim, but of course, YMMV.

The final 2 must haves (according to americanarmsdealer, anyway) would be a Tech or 6, and a Superspeed or 8 to ensure you have a fairly rounded collection. Wouldn't want you getting bored having to use the same razor more than once every 14 days or so, right?
I said the same thing when I started back in January of this year I believe. This is where I am today.


There is 6 more in the Den and, oh yeah, 3 more on the way. Good luck with that whole dozen thingy. :wink2:
Begin with these.

- Double Ring, Single Ring, New Improved, Aristocrat 1934-1936, Ranger Tech, Aristocrat 1947, Bekalite handle tech,Tech Fat Handle, Tech ball end, SS 40 style, SS black tip, SS flare tip, SS blue tip, SS red tip, Toggle, Fat Boy, Slim, SS black handle, SA short handle, SA long handle.

If you can still afford food after that THAN we'll start with the english :-D
So would these be by time or by types?
Have: 21-29 old type, NEW LC and SC, NEW Goodwill, 34' Aristocrat, Sheraton, ranger tech 47' Aristocrat, pre war tech, post war tech, contact tech, 48-49 SS, SS flair, SS red flair, SS black tip, toggle, Fatboy, slim, knack. Granted none are cased and all are user grade.
So if I find a some earlier models I should be in good shape. Are these available without breaking the bank?
I found a cased New Standard with most of the original instruction booklet at an antique shop last February for only $15. It looked like it had never been used. Deals are out there, you just have to scare them up.
So would these be by time or by types?
Have: 21-29 old type, NEW LC and SC, NEW Goodwill, 34' Aristocrat, Sheraton, ranger tech 47' Aristocrat, pre war tech, post war tech, contact tech, 48-49 SS, SS flair, SS red flair, SS black tip, toggle, Fatboy, slim, knack. Granted none are cased and all are user grade.
So if I find a some earlier models I should be in good shape. Are these available without breaking the bank?
They are listed by models as they progressed, such as first is the Double Ring, then Single Ring, New Improved...................

or go by Mr Razor's classification

1903... Old Type
1921... New Improved
1929... The NEW
1931... The Goodwill
1938... The Tech
1934... One-Piece open comb
1940... One-Piece solid guard bar
1956... Adjustable
So would these be by time or by types?
Have: 21-29 old type, NEW LC and SC, NEW Goodwill, 34' Aristocrat, Sheraton, ranger tech 47' Aristocrat, pre war tech, post war tech, contact tech, 48-49 SS, SS flair, SS red flair, SS black tip, toggle, Fatboy, slim, knack. Granted none are cased and all are user grade.
So if I find a some earlier models I should be in good shape. Are these available without breaking the bank?
That may vary by where you buy and if you are lucky. The Double rings can be at high price. Some Single rings too. New Improved , NEW, The Techs, Super Speeds 1940's to 80's and Aristocrats not so much$. Some Fatboys can be high$, Toggles are at $170 and above user grade. Sheratons and Senators are in the middle money range. Slims/Knacks are are affordable too.
Is the single ring different then ball end old type? The new improved confuse me, they have the attached base plate, right?

Sorry if I wasn't clear, the list I wrote was the razors I already have. So if I get a double, a single ring and a new improved; I should have a fairly good historical timeline?
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