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Coffe maker decision

I'm a daily coffee drinker. When I get up in the morning, I make a pot of coffee, and usually drink 2 or 3 cups of coffee right away. It's a 10 cup pot, and the cup I use holds about 2 cups (as indicated on the pot) so I end up with about 2 of my cups left. I usually drink it later on in the day...I warm it up in the microwave, since the hot plate shuts off after two hours.

I've tried a variety of coffee makers over the years...my latest is a Krups with a cone filter. I like it, but it's several years old now. I'm thinking about trying a Bunn. I like the speed aspect of the Bunn, but I don't like the fact that it doesn't have an automatic shut-off like most coffee makers do. Also, with the pre-heated water, if you don't use it for several days (like if we are out of town) it can evaporate (with the sustained heat) unless you remember to turn in off. On the other hand, Bunn does have a very good reputation for quality, and comes with a three year warranty. From what I have read, their customer service is good.

My son works for Starbucks, and he says a cone filter does give a better result (interesting that they use commercial Bunn makers, though) than a basket style filter. I'm not a coffee snob...in fact, my favorite brand is Maxwell House. However, since my son keeps me supplied with Starbucks coffee (I like the Blonde flavor best) that is what I most often use. So, I'm torn between just replacing my Krups with another one, or trying the Bunn.

Any thoughts or recommendations?
My son works for Starbucks, and he says a cone filter does give a better result (interesting that they use commercial Bunn makers, though)
Not that odd, really. Starbucks's top priority isn't the utmost quality or else they wouldn't use superautos for their espresso. In any case, better is always highly subjective and it's really whether you like what's in the cup that matters. Have you tried what the Bunns produce?
I have had Bunn commercial brewers for decades. They DO have a master power switch on the back that you can use to shut all the power off. they are designed to be left on all the time so that they are always ready to brew a pot which is important in a commercial application (grounds in the basket, pot under it, push the button and 3 min later a fresh pot of joe).

Go for the Bunn... Even the "home" one (which also has the same master power switch on the rear).

I brew then pour the coffee into an air pot which keeps it warm for about 6 hours so I can enjoy it all day long.

My current coffee set up (pic from a couple of days ago)


The air pot brewer I had for a long time (with 2 air pots that I still have)


The "home" Bunn that I used while between the air pot brewer and the current commercial pot brewer I now have. I have one of these in my other home (and now a spare should that one give up the ghost)


If you have not figured it out yet..... I like my coffee too :001_smile
Have you tried what the Bunns produce?

I don't think I've ever been to a restaurant that didn't use Bunn coffee makers, so yes...my brother-in-law has a Bunn with the thermal carafe and it doesn't keep the coffee very hot (but then I like my coffee scalding hot.)
Look at the Cuisinart Brew Central coffeemaker. It has a cone filter, and a water filter, and brews enough for 12 cups. I really enjoy using mine.

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