The English Shaving Company site is in the U.K., and they have it. Suppose to have free shipping for awhile longer, probably based on some minimum order amount. Might check them.
The English Shaving Company site is in the U.K., and they have it. Suppose to have free shipping for awhile longer, probably based on some minimum order amount. Might check them.
A tub of Trumpers Coconut should easily fall over the 10GBP minimum for free shipping. I wil tell you, however, that I think you will be disappointed with GFT if you are looking for a strongly scented cream. Trumpers Coconut has an exceptionally light scent.
I respect your judgment, and I have heard this opinion stated before by others. Realize that this is coming from someone (me) who has a hard time picking up the smell of lavender, but to me the aroma of GFT coconut is readily apparent and lasts all through my shave.
Of course, I should have mentioned that your sniffer may differ(the rhyme was unplanned, but it's staying)
I am surprised to see GFT being called lightly scented.... man, it is too strong scented for me! Luckily it fades quickly... however it is an excellent cream.
They're both excellent examples of what they are. Which you would prefer would likely just be a matter of whether you prefer creams or soaps. Mind you, there are some who swear that Trumpers Coconut cream is even better than other Trumpers offerings, so I suppose its possible a soap loyalist may even prefer the does the trumpers coconut cream compare to the soap?
Really? maybe my coconut sniffer is off....because I found the TOBS Lavender and the T&H Rose WAYY too much for me to stand...
I'm still new at this, but are you saying that GFT scents are usually more potent/robust than the other brands?