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firstly I should say, yes, I love clubman. However, it is rather strong. Not that I mind that on its own, but I was wondering. Is there a type or specific cologne that you would wear with clubman? Is that even advisable or is the AS strong enough?
firstly I should say, yes, I love clubman. However, it is rather strong. Not that I mind that on its own, but I was wondering. Is there a type or specific cologne that you would wear with clubman? Is that even advisable or is the AS strong enough?

I really never felt the need to wear a cologne with Clubman. Even when I cut with witch hazel, it still lasts ALL DAY on me.

You know, the funny thing about Clubman.. is that I don't wear it that often. But when I do, I really like it at first when I splash it on. I think.. why don't I wear this more often?

Then by lunch it starts to get a little.. what's the word you guys use.. cloying?

By the time I get home I'm done and heading for the bathroom to try to wash it off. But even then, there's still the essense left, which will not be totally gone until the next morning's shower. Then I put the Clubman back in the back and probably won't wear it for another few weeks or, more likely, months.

But those first few hours in the morning, walking into work smelling like Clubman and Talc.. I really dig it, mostly for the nostalgic effect.. It is almost magical. For a few hours anyways..
I really never felt the need to wear a cologne with Clubman. Even when I cut with witch hazel, it still lasts ALL DAY on me.

You know, the funny thing about Clubman.. is that I don't wear it that often. But when I do, I really like it at first when I splash it on. I think.. why don't I wear this more often?

Then by lunch it starts to get a little.. what's the word you guys use.. cloying?

By the time I get home I'm done and heading for the bathroom to try to wash it off. But even then, there's still the essense left, which will not be totally gone until the next morning's shower. Then I put the Clubman back in the back and probably won't wear it for another few weeks or, more likely, months.

But those first few hours in the morning, walking into work smelling like Clubman and Talc.. I really dig it, mostly for the nostalgic effect.. It is almost magical. For a few hours anyways..

Excellent Description!! I couldn't agree more. :thumbup:
You need nothing but some Clubman talc when your wear Clubman it last all day.

I put it on before 6am in the morning and 8-10 hours later at the Gym when I start sweating it smells just as strong and fresh as it did when I put it own.

I have ladies at the gym walk by or working beside me on a machine say Boy you smell nice. :thumbup1:
firstly I should say, yes, I love clubman. However, it is rather strong. Not that I mind that on its own, but I was wondering. Is there a type or specific cologne that you would wear with clubman? Is that even advisable or is the AS strong enough?
I regularly pair Clubman with Pierre Cardin Pour Monsieur.


They go very well together.
I love it too...lasts all day and now my bed pillow smells like it. :laugh:

Question though, I assume the name is French, but how do you pronounce "Pinaud"? "Peen-ohhh"?

Maybe I'll ask the guy I work with who speaks French.
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