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Clubman - I hate it!

After enjoying the Pinaud bay rum, classic vanilla, and eu de quinine for awhile, I finally gave the original clubman aftershave a try. I think the scent is horrible. I can't put my finger on it, but there's something harsh and stale about the scent that is really off-putting. I was expecting an old-timey barber shop type of scent, but that's not anything close to what I experienced. Has anyone else had a similar reaction to this stuff? Thankfully, it was so cheap that I'm not too upset over the purchase.

I don't know how others would react to the scent on me, as I'm too frightened to even consider wearing it in public.

Given that I have 12 oz of this stuff, I'd prefer not to just throw it away. Are there any alternative household uses for it? I was thinking of possibly running it through the garbage disposal to knock out any potential odors lingering in there.
Not sure PIF/swap is really a viable option. If it was blades, soap, etc., that would be clearly be the way to go. However, given the USPS rules about shipping products containing alcohol, by the time I found a box for it and paid the parcel-post shipping rate, I'd end up spending nearly as much to ship the bottle as I did to buy it in the first place.
Put me in the same boat except for different reasons. The Clubman scent is okay to me. Like modern Brut or Canoe but superior in certain ways. However, is STOUT in both projection and staying power. The main drawback for me is the BURN. This is the worst a/s splash I can think of for actually putting on freshly shorn skin. There is nothing redeeming about its performance to me. One suggestion I was given was to splash a few tablespoons into the toilet bowl as a room freshener. It works but since you don't like the scent, it is not a good option. At the price, could you use it for target practice?:001_tt2:

Regards, Todd
it smells like a shuffleboard playing 87 year old man in Florida with bermuda shorts, tans socks, and brown leather dress shoes.
I like how Clubman smells, but I'm starting to wonder about the alcohol burn I get when slapping it on after a shave. Recently been comparing my skin irritation level using Clubman against Aqua Velva, and it's no competition, AV wins hands down. Of course it's the menthol that does it, but Clubman claims it "cools and soothes" . . . which it certainly doesn't. So I'm not as enthusiastic about Clubman as I used to be. I still hold out for good experiences using other Pinaud products though. I have faith in the product line.


The wife's investment
There's a reason why it is so cheap.

My wife says it reminds her of Brut, which she hates.
and then telling you to come back, and then telling you a story he's told you a thousand times before... while you are forced to smell Clubman.

Hmmm, an eighty seven year old codger would have been born in 1923, and would have been about 21 when they were having those little festivities in Normandy and across the Pacific.

His childhood was during the Great Depression that hit when he was just getting to grade school.

Lessee, given a choice between listening to some boring old story about the greatest conflict in human history told by a man who has been there and done that, who began in economic hard times and went on to produce a period of unrivaled prosperity, or listening to some Aqua Di Gio soaked slacker who's idea of a hardship is a latte with too much whipped cream, I think I'll go sniff some Clubman on the old fart's lawn.
Hmmm, an eighty seven year old codger would have been born in 1923, and would have been about 21 when they were having those little festivities in Normandy and across the Pacific.

His childhood was during the Great Depression that hit when he was just getting to grade school.

Lessee, given a choice between listening to some boring old story about the greatest conflict in human history told by a man who has been there and done that, who began in economic hard times and went on to produce a period of unrivaled prosperity, or listening to some Aqua Di Gio soaked slacker who's idea of a hardship is a latte with too much whipped cream, I think I'll go sniff some Clubman on the old fart's lawn.

Except most of the time all he talks about is the weather and golf.
Hmmm, an eighty seven year old codger would have been born in 1923, and would have been about 21 when they were having those little festivities in Normandy and across the Pacific.

His childhood was during the Great Depression that hit when he was just getting to grade school.

Lessee, given a choice between listening to some boring old story about the greatest conflict in human history told by a man who has been there and done that, who began in economic hard times and went on to produce a period of unrivaled prosperity, or listening to some Aqua Di Gio soaked slacker who's idea of a hardship is a latte with too much whipped cream, I think I'll go sniff some Clubman on the old fart's lawn.

Save me a seat.

My Grandfather was born in 1919. I grew up listening to him talk about the Great Depression, WWII and getting his first job when he was 11 to help support his family. Old people have interesting stories to tell, you just have to listen to them.
Hmmm, an eighty seven year old codger would have been born in 1923, and would have been about 21 when they were having those little festivities in Normandy and across the Pacific.

His childhood was during the Great Depression that hit when he was just getting to grade school.

Lessee, given a choice between listening to some boring old story about the greatest conflict in human history told by a man who has been there and done that, who began in economic hard times and went on to produce a period of unrivaled prosperity, or listening to some Aqua Di Gio soaked slacker who's idea of a hardship is a latte with too much whipped cream, I think I'll go sniff some Clubman on the old fart's lawn.

I'm with you on that one.....
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