After posting in the top 5 blades thread i thought i may as well make a thread. I have only been wet shaving with a DE for around 6 months now and after only trying two other brands i fell in love with feathers, but they are the most expensive so if i can find something very similar but cheaper that will be great, and im sure many older DE users have tried many brands. I also think that my skin may be..thinning? if that's the right word, it doesn't look any different if im being honest but it does 'feel' slightly different but nothing too drastic, but considering it has only been 6 months im unsure of the very long term effects. After shaving with a feather i also get a slight burning feeling when washing my face afterwards, there is no visible redness though and the feeling goes away within a few mins so i wouldn't really say it is irritation. Anyway, to those who have tried feathers what is the closest to it that is cheaper? And if possible is there a brand you think is even better than the feathers!? 
