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Closest blade to feathers?

After posting in the top 5 blades thread i thought i may as well make a thread. I have only been wet shaving with a DE for around 6 months now and after only trying two other brands i fell in love with feathers, but they are the most expensive so if i can find something very similar but cheaper that will be great, and im sure many older DE users have tried many brands. I also think that my skin may be..thinning? if that's the right word, it doesn't look any different if im being honest but it does 'feel' slightly different but nothing too drastic, but considering it has only been 6 months im unsure of the very long term effects. After shaving with a feather i also get a slight burning feeling when washing my face afterwards, there is no visible redness though and the feeling goes away within a few mins so i wouldn't really say it is irritation. Anyway, to those who have tried feathers what is the closest to it that is cheaper? And if possible is there a brand you think is even better than the feathers!? :huh:

Astra SP and Super Iridium are my top two choices. They are both close to the sharpness of a Feather, but smoother and a bit more forgiving.
Thanks for the replies guys, it seems the astras are the most recommended. I will order a few packs of them, the usual site i order from has them but they don't have iridiums. Will compare astras to feathers, if not happy i will try ordering the iridiums.

Another vote for the Kai blades being the closest to the Feathers of the other brands I have tried. You can't go wrong with the Astra Superior Platinums, either. I'd suggest you try them all to see what works well for you.:thumbup1:
For me, sharpest are Feathers, followed by Gillette SharpEdge (yellow) in second, and Iridium in third. I think the cost of the three is similar unless you buy in bulk. (I have not tried the Kai blades.)

IMO, the Gillette SharpEdge is nearly as sharp as a Feather but smoother and more forgiving.
I also undertook the Quest for the Feather Alternative, but came up empty handed. After trying just about every blade I could get my hands on, I came to terms with the fact that I'm simply never going to find another Feather.

There are many excellent blades out there, and if I had to shave with a 7-O'Clock yellow or a blue IP for the rest of my life, I wouldn't shed too many tears. The plain fact is that Feathers are noticeably the sharpest blade out there, and there's nothing more important to me than sharpness.

Blade science honestly confuses me. I don't understand how a blunter blade can provide a better shave for someone than a sharper one. I think I'm okay with being confused, though, in the same way that I'm okay paying MORE THAN A QUARTER for a DE blade. Sheesh! :001_rolle
Blade science honestly confuses me. I don't understand how a blunter blade can provide a better shave for someone than a sharper one. I think I'm okay with being confused, though, in the same way that I'm okay paying MORE THAN A QUARTER for a DE blade. Sheesh!

I still feel that Feather blades are quite cheap. I just bought 100 for $30 shipped from one of the vendors here. Let's say, for argument's sake, that these 100 blades will last me a year. I get about 4 to 5 shaves out of each, so that's a small underestimation. That's $30 for a year of blades. Amazon sells 8-packs of Fusion Proglide Power razors, the latest and greatest, for ~$28. Those would last me about 2 months.

Of course, I can totally see the cost being a deterrent. I shave just fine with Derby blades, and at $15 per 100 that I paid it's half of the Feathers. Apparently Amazon has a 250 pack for $20 on Derbys. I just like a little variety, and Feathers make quicker work of my stubble.
Blade science honestly confuses me. I don't understand how a blunter blade can provide a better shave for someone than a sharper one. :001_rolle

I have a question. Other than someone TELLING you the feather is sharper, what makes you think they actually are?
What proof is there that shows their sharpness? I mean like microscopic analysis.
They may actually be sharper, but I think nobody actually knows. The "sharp feel" could come from, again, coatings, or a ragged edge like saw teeth. Saw teeth or serrations can be ungodly sharp.
So I don't think just shaving can give you an actual idea of the sharpness.
Anyone with proof?

...Blade science honestly confuses me. I don't understand how a blunter blade can provide a better shave...

Feathers are the sharpest feeling blades I have used. Sharks give me my best shaves.

Think of it this way, at some point a blade is sharp enough to cut effortlessly. Being sharper might cause other issues such as irritation, weepers, etc. Therefore a blade which is less sharp may be better than a sharper blade.

Sharp enough > too sharp imho.

I do need to get out there and try iridiums and astras, those are definitely next on my list.
I have a question. Other than someone TELLING you the feather is sharper, what makes you think they actually are?
What proof is there that shows their sharpness? I mean like microscopic analysis.
They may actually be sharper, but I think nobody actually knows. The "sharp feel" could come from, again, coatings, or a ragged edge like saw teeth. Saw teeth or serrations can be ungodly sharp.
So I don't think just shaving can give you an actual idea of the sharpness.
Anyone with proof?


This thread has a very interesting microscopic analysis of a number of these blades: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=164368
This is a good example of YMMV!! I have found the Feathers to give me the closest, most irritation free shave of any blade I have tried so far. I have tried the black 7 o'clock and don't really like them, same with the irridium. My next choices would be Astra, Dorco and Lord in that order. I have pretty much resigned myself to the fact that, for me, it is going to be Feathers.
The Deliverator delivers. Muchos Gracias Hobre.
That the kind of analysis that is very useful.
Other than sharpness, there is still bevels, angles, grinds... all things that affect separating the cellular structure of a hair.
For me its Iridiums...I tried the Gillette blacks, I found them to be good, but not worth the price...at that price you might as well get Feathers.
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