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Cleaning the inside of cases

I'd like to clean up the felt lining in my new Tuckaway set but I wouldn't know how to do it. Any tips? Thanks!
It probably depends on what the specific things are that need cleaning. I might start with some tape folded over on itself to pick up loose piece of gunk. But don't do that on the silk lining on the top with the logo imprint. It can take it off.
You might search for "cleaning felt" and should find a number of ideas from cleaning the felt lining of shoes/boots to felt pads on instruments to cleaning felt fedora hats...

It seems a soft brush is most common, and for tough stains it seems there is a consensus that some sort of fuel (white gas or Naptha) may be used. I think fuel would be overkill for the lining of a razor case, but maybe combining a soft brush dipped into some alcohol might do the trick.
Recently I just used a 25mm paintbrush and swished it around on the velvet, did a pretty good job of removing lots of dirt, dust. For some stains i actually used a bit of simple green on a cotton bud (sorry, q-tip), seemed to work well with no bad effects for me, rubbing too hard even with a dry cotton bud it did start to remove the colour (or small pieces of velvet, not sure) so go easy. Here is before and after with that process.

EDIT: Just realised you said Felt not Velvet, are they really felt? Anyway same process likely applies.
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