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Cleaning, Sterilising and Storing 3-piece

I had a bit of a surprise today, I was cleaning my razor (for reference sake it was an Edwin Jagger black-handled 3-piece) because it was terribly covered in soap (and mineral?) residue, just with some washing-up liquid, and as I cleaned out the thread in the handle with a bit of twisted-up kitchen roll and it came out all green-scummy.

So I used a bit of milton steriliser (well, an own brand version, anyway), and a good soak, just wondering and hoping, that a sterilising solution (or long soak) shouldn't do any damage to the plating or the parts of the handle should it? (I wouldn't have thought so, since they are designed to be used in water, but thought I'd ask). Then used a nail-brush to clean all parts, and the metallic parts came up v. nice, but took long soaking and lots of cleaning and tissue (unfortunately don't have any pipe-cleaners), to eliminate the green scum (or the majority of it, anyway).

Just wondering if anyone has any tips to further prevent green buildup and any other storage hints.
The main thing I do after cleaning a 3-piece is to let the handle dry out completely. After cleaning, shake as much water out as you can, do your paper towel thing, then leave it in the sun or an air-conditioned room overnight.

I bought a fat handle Tech that had been stored with water inside it who-knows-how-many-years-ago, and when I took it apart some goop fell out that smelled like rotten potatoes.
Just clean it well with warm water and detergent (dish detergent works well) and you'll be fine. A long soak in anything isn't necessary. Milton only recommends 15 minutes for soaking so any longer than that shouldn't be necessary.
Somewhere inside the razor is some unplated brass. If it is allowed to stay damp, it will oxidize into the green gunk you found.

Storing the razor dry is the best way to slow down the oxidization, but unplated brass will eventually oxidize. The higher the copper content the greener the gunk.

Nothing stronger than dish soap and hot water is needed for a soak. Vinegar or bleach are definitely harmful to the plating.

True sterilizing is never needed with a razor. You can't be killed by your own cooties. Sanitizing is a good idea if you are sharing a razor and don't want to share cooties. Soap and hot water is best.
Many thanks for the all the info, I had been 'worried' it was some sort of alginate or something similar, it was an gooey/wet substance that I didn't really associate with oxidisation, but that was the only reason I used a steriliser, otherwise it would just have been a bit of soap.

As to 'long soak' I think I misrepresented 'long', as opposed to just a wash, I soaked it (well, the handle at least) for about 30 or so minutes... (I should really be a bit clearer...), and I had read up a bit about cleaning and not using vinegar, but did not know bleach can damage plating, something to remember there, then! :001_smile
I remove the blade from my razors after a shave and store the blade and razor separate. I will towel dry a 3 piece (polishing up the head and cap and dry the handle. For a TTO I give it a good shaking to get the water out of the inside of the handle then I towel off the exterior and inside the head. Then I will let the razor sit over night apart for a 2 or 3 piece or with the TTO open so that it can completely dry. I don't use the same razor more than once a month so when it is dry I slide it into a velvet bag, put it away, and bring out another razor for the next day's shave.
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