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Chub 2 and soap

Guys I have a Chub 2 2-band and I was wondering if someone could post a link on lathering with this puppy. I have had it for sometime and I get a pretty good lather, but it seems like alot of lather gets wasted. I think that is the only drawback to have a big chubby. Dont get me wrong it is a badazz brush, i love it. But, its like a bunch of soap stays clogged in the hairs.

Thanks to all
Large brushes do feel great , but the downside is that they do waste alot of lather.. I havea chubby 1 that I love , but I use my Wee Scot alot more often..
As the others have said, it seems to be a fact of life when lathering a larger brush. In any case, it is far, far better to be discarding unused lather after your shave than to be scrimping on that last pass. Soap, my friend, is cheap.

Enjoy that Chubby.
If the lather hogging really bothers you, you can always gently squeeze the lather out of the brush and apply it by hand for the final pass.
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