Rick, you rock so I have to say that I'm in. I'm a bit confused on whether I should say more than that. Should I PM you?
EDIT: Here's my list!
1.1 or 1.5 italic nib for TWSBI Diamond 580
Any vintage FP's
Any Vintage Straights or non-vintage straights
Any Brush handles for restore
FP inks of any sort, I like blues blacks reds purples
Any sort of paper/notebook that will work well with FP's
A folding pocket knife or multitool
Some kind of neat hat
Some AS
I'm not too picky. I guess I don't have a lot of shaving stuff on my list. Hope that's okay.
- Musgo Real Balm
- Mike's Vetiver (or Hungarian Lavender)
- Saint Charles Fairway Soap+Aftershave Set
- DR Harris Marlborough in Mahogany Bowl
- Brebbia Aero Bent Dublin Pipe
- DR Harris Crystal Hair Cream
- 2" Petrzelka hanging strop
This is great!
I am from Serbia, so I guess I should apply for 50 bucks including shipping.
I am just few months in this, have not tried much stuff, so anything will be happines and joy for me
As I only have one boar omega 80080, lets say my wish will be some badger brush (gifters choice). Rest of value lets be gifter`s choice of soaps, creams, AS, whatever. Your choice, maybe something you like and want to share with me. Also Aqua Velva Ice Blue AS sounds awesome