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Christmas Disappointment?

The SWMBO and I always open 1 present Christmas Eve and we are able to choose 1.... So..... Of course I choose the box that looks like a brush box.

Slowly opening I see the familiar Gray color and the excitement grows......... she took the hints, the only question is... is it a Duke or a Berkeley, or a Classic ??????

The end of the Box comes into view.... and it says.................................................

G3 ????? WHAT?????????????????

I quickly open the box to not find a brush but a note inside..... which reads.... "Got cha...... Now that I have your attention. I had no idea where was the best place to buy a brush so here's the deal.... Three Hundred to buy whatever you want" and folded up small was 3 Franklins.:thumbup::thumbup:

Sure am glad I got her those nice earrings :thumbup1::thumbup1:

what a cool story...and 3 bills.

that's enough for a rooney heritage, a simpsons duke and perhaps a semogue.


Shavemac Custom 2-band Flat top
Heinrich Thater Wood/nickle Handle 24mm Brush
Plisson Plexiglass Handle European White Badger
Most excellent gift! Mrs. Brianw is a keeper. That's a bunch of Rooneys, Simpsons, Shavemacs, Savile Rows and Kents. Or 1 Plisson.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Brian, I'll tell you what I'd tell any other mod-

Say, "Honey, you didn't have to get me anything. Just being married to you is the greatest gift of all."
Then stuff the money in your pocket. :thumbup1:
I had to order my shave stuff too. That's ok...after almost 27 years together she still tells me I'm hard to buy for.
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