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Chris Farley commercial/bad taste

anyone seen this ad for Direct TV yet? I think it is of bad taste for David Spade to profit off of his dead buddy to make a commercial using a tape of a Chris Farley bit. Any thoughts on this?
I agree. Seems like poor taste. Hopefully, Chris' family or a charity is being helped in some way.

Is David Spade really known as a bastion of good taste? :tongue:
I think this is the commercial you are talking about:


Seems to be in pretty bad taste.
Amazing. I had just seen this commercial some hours ago and thought, "Cool. I'm glad to see Farley hasn't been forgotten. Such an awesome physical comedian, and DirecTV brought back David Spade to team up with his old sparring buddy using today's technology."

Funny how we sometimes see things so differently... YMMV, right?
My votes for poor taste. However I doubt they could have done it without the consent of the Farley family. The dollar trumps respect. David spade could have said no, since he's the one who looks like the profiteer in this sorry display. :mad3:
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David spade could have said no, since he's the one who looks like the profiteer in this sorry display. :mad3:

Yes, he could have said "no." DirecTV could have said no to the entire ad. The ad agency could have said "no" to the person who came up with the idea. There's plenty of blame to go around.
Agreed, poor taste. Made me say so out loud, and I don't normally talk to my television when nobody else is around (really). Especially since Farley was the whole scene and Spade just sits there. I wonder if he threw in the last line to compensate for it being in bad taste (something like "keeps getting better each time" or something).
hmm just a re-hashed clip from tommy boy (i think) given farleys sense of humour i highly doubt he'd have found it much more than boring and i dont feel its really in bad taste, imo.
I attended Marquette University during the same time as Farley. He was a school treasure. Funny thing is that his character in Tommy Boy would be considered tame compared to reality. Anyway, I didn't know him all that well but frequented the same bar (The Avalanche) that he did so I ran into him from time to time. That said, I'm happy to see that he's relavent these days and not long forgotten. So, I'm not all that offended by the commercial.
The Naomi Watts one really gets to me too. There she is, mugging for the camera with King Kong. We all know how that relationship ended.
The "Fat guy in a little coat" scene is one of my favorite scenes in the movie. Too bad everytime I see it from now on, Direct TV will automatically come to mind.
To me there are two types of commercials.

1) The advertizer thinks I am a moron. They make the most stupid ads.( i.e. Headon).
2) The ads are forgetful. To me this ad falls on this catagory. Why waste any of the limited memory space I have left in my brain with this ad?
1st thing I thought when I saw it as well. "Man, that is really in poor taste."

Apparently there is a Chris Farley Foundation, that is run by his brother. Chris's image was used in another campaign, for a drug treatment method called Prometa, for which The Foundation received a $25,000 fee for the use of his likeness.

It was reported that the Foundation has refused other marketing ideas it found in poor taste.

Although thru Googling I couldn't find any verification, I would imagine that the Foundation approved and benefitted from this ad campaign as well.
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