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Chreees's Shaving Journey

Today I had shave número uno. It went okay I guess. Spent over an hour. Didn't get near as close as I was expecting to. I completed my entire face twice, WTG. Finished up with my electric and then slapped some Proraso pre-shave cream on my face and called it a night.

I only had a few days growth, but the razor was very tuggy/pully. It came honed from Larry at Whipped Dog, so I know it's honed. Lather seemed good as well. I did a hot towel to the face twice before applying lather. Held blade angle at about 30 degrees and made short strokes.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? My chin and upper lip were the most difficult. Razor didn't cut close at all on my chin and neck it seemed like (looks like I'll have to shave across on my neck, sigh).

My wife is still laughing at me. But I'm determined to get this right. I'll revisit in a couple days.
Welcome to straight razor shaving and on completing your first shave. Look at it this way: it can only get better and it does. About the tugging and pulling sensation, first off I would try and give the razor a good stropping. You will need to learn to strop anyway. Take it slow and steady in the beginning and do at least 100 laps on leather. If you are not sure how to do it you can find info in the stickies on the top of the straight razor shave clinic or on youtube. Apart from that you might want to try to modify the angle, 30° is just a rule of thumb, when shaving WTG on my cheeks I have a much smaller angle meaning that the spine is much closer to the skin than if I were shaving at 30°. Since Larry is a honer with a good reputation, I am quite sure that angle is your culprit, so that you are in fact scraping your stubble off instead cutting it. You will still need to strop your blade prior to every shave though. Good Luck!
Thanks. I'll play with the angle then. Larry's instructions said to not strop it first use, but I did strop it about 20 times on linen and 30 times on leather after shaving. I'll do more right before the next shave.
Shave #2 tonight.

Razor moved much easier tonight... maybe it just needed a bit of stropping even though Larry said in the instructions it did not? I dunno. I was able to go quicker, and I didn't take near as long to shave, but I did still have to finish with my electric (which feels completely childproof after just shaving your face with a sharp blade, lol).

One thing I don't get yet is how to cut completely close so no stubble is left. Went all angles and still had stubble left. It was like I was just scraping off the lather. I need to work on my angle technique more (obviously).

Less nicks this time... but a bit more irritation (razor burn). Not sure why. I did get a gusher on the left side of my neck, right under the jawline, that took a bit of time to clot (styptic was no match for it).

At least I actually felt like the guys in the YouTube vids this time... Just didn't get the closeness I needed. I'll work on it. I think my next shave will be in a day or two. Definitely can't shave everyday right now while learning this new skill.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
It takes some time to get a really close shave, but you seem to be ahead of the curve :). You need to strop before every shave though. You might also try doing 5-10 laps after each shave to ensure the bevel is dry and clean before putting it up for the night.
It takes some time to get a really close shave, but you seem to be ahead of the curve :). You need to strop before every shave though. You might also try doing 5-10 laps after each shave to ensure the bevel is dry and clean before putting it up for the night.

I figured as much. That's why I'm sticking with it. :)

Yes, I have been stropping before and every shave. Haven't really been counting, but trying to do around 50 times before and 20-30 after. I strop on linen after as well (linen first, then leather), just to remove any stuff. Heard that was a good thing to do.
First shot at honing... Now to see how they shave:

Shave #3:

Okay, so I KNEW something wasn't right... I shaved today using my Dovo my brother gave to me, after giving it a quick 10 x-strokes on the hone I purchased from Whipped Dog. It shaves beautifully. Waaaaaaaaay better than the Henckels. With the Henckels it was more so just scraping off the lather, whereas the Dovo I was having complete whisker removal in one WTG pass. Amazing. Not knocking Larry's honing job on the Henckels, but it just wasn't as sharp as it should've been, IMO. I will shave using it next time and see how it performs now that it's had 10 x-strokes on the barbers hone, and let you guys know how it goes. But I did do the arm hair test, and it seemed to do just as well as the Dovo.

I am completely satisfied with this shave! I did one north-to-south pass, and then one south-to-north pass. My face is completely smooth. There was no need to finish with my electric this time. I am soooo happy that I finally figured out this issue, and it wasn't just me.
Shave #4:

Did the same two passes as before, WTG and then ATG (although technically it's XTG on my neck, the way hair grows there). I first tried the Henckels razor that I did 10 x-strokes on the barbers hone with, and it just wasn't "cutting it." So switched to the Dovo. Perfect. I guess I need to take the Henckels back to the hone, see if I can't get it sharpened up a bit.

Shave went well overall. Had some resistance on the ATG pass around the chin area. Razor burn on my neck, but that's likely due to me using Aqua Velva (my old go-to) as aftershave instead of the Proraso Pre-Shave cream, like I've been doing since I started this adventure. Reason I tried the Aqua Velva is because the wife doesn't like the smell of the Proraso. Looks like I'll be looking for something that is alcohol free as an aftershave... Any recommendations? I know I need to pick up some Thayer's Witch Hazel for a good post-shave treatment... Trying to find it locally but coming up empty-handed.

As for closeness, it's getting better. Running my hands WTG, completely smooth. ATG, there's some stubble, especially on my neck where I shaved moreso XTG due to the direction my hair grows there. I am completely satisfied with this shave, though I would like to someday be able to get that BBS shave. With patience and practice, I shall get it someday...
Well, Larry is really taking care of me... I told him about how the Henckels wasn't shaving properly compared to my Dovo, and asked what I could do to get a sharper edge on her. He offered to rehone it free of charge plus free return shipping, and also a free honing in the future. Excellent customer service, IMO.
Shave #5:

Got my Wade and Butcher back from being sent off to get honed, along with two vintage razor cases (I'll post pics later). Did Proraso pre-shave cream, Proraso soap, and two passes, WTG/ATG. Everything went well. I think I'm going to run the razor on my hone a few strokes, as it didn't cut as close as my Dovo. Still did a good job, though. I picked up some Nivea post shave balm and man, I really like it. It really calmed things down and left my face and neck feeling great. I think I'll keep using it.

All in all, a decent shave.
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