You know how sometimes on natural stones there are some rough parts? With a natural stone, you need it to be as smooth as possible. I originally used a DMT 325 to smooth out the stone. It could work, but it could also scratch the natural, as I found out. I recently started using my Chosera 1K to do the smoothing, and it works great! It seems like in no time, the part that was once rough, is now smooth. Now I wouldn't recommend people to buy the Chosera 1K for the sole purpose of smoothing a natural. If you are also going to use it for bevel setting, than use it for smoothing too. Whether it's an Escher (especially the Eschers that are all scratched up), Coticule, J-Nat, Chinese 12K, Charnely Forest, the Chosera 1K will make any of them as smooth as they are going to get.
Edit: At Chef Knives To Go, they sell a slurry stone sized Chosera 1K. So for the people who don't have the full sized one, they can get the benefits of using one on a natural by buying the slurry stone version
Edit: At Chef Knives To Go, they sell a slurry stone sized Chosera 1K. So for the people who don't have the full sized one, they can get the benefits of using one on a natural by buying the slurry stone version
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