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Choosing Your Soap of the Day

How do you guys choose your soap of the day? Do you have a rotation or do you go by the weather? Or, like me, is it just what your feelin that day?
Just what I'm feeling, lately it's my tallow stuff that's been getting all the attention as I've really fallen for it. The veggie stuff is really on the back burner.
Used to , now Im using one at a time til Im done. I bought 8 soaps and creams. They all work the same IMO. T&H, TOBS,proraso, williams gentleman bills, AOS. Once I used dial hnd soap 3 for a buck! Great shave no problem. Didnt even add glycerin. Use to use pre shave, dont need it IMO. Im a simple guy, although many like the scents and different products. Im just interested in shaving after I discovered for me they are all the same and all capable of producing a great shave. Brushes also, got 4 2 pures, 1 best and 1 silvertip. Either or, although I prefer the pure badgers. YMMV.
I have lots of soaps and creams and it took me several minutes per day to decide which soap to use. I switched to a weekly rotation, and now I only have to spend a few minutes per week.
I decide when I'm standing in front of the mirror. I too am a simple shaver, after trying a bunch of soaps. My favorites are Mikes and Speick stick. These are about the only ones I use now, and Speick more than Mikes. Makes decision making at 6:00 am a little easier.
One part planning, one part whim. Right now, I am only using 3 soaps: Mitchell's Wool Fat, Mike's Barber Shop, Mike's Lime. I am on the road more than I am home. So I try to decide what to take with me. This next business trip is two weeks. I have decided to take da Fat with me. Therefore my shaves up till then will alternate between the two Mike's. But, MWF is my very favorite, so on a whim I might decide to shave with it again.
For me it is a random act when I'm getting my stuff out of my cabinets. Unless I get a new soap from the store or in the mail and then I make sure I try that one.
Sunday I use Proraso in case I get sent to Hell and need the chill.

Mon/Wed/Fri are MWF just because it is such a perfect fit.

Thursday is TOBS Jermyn St line by LotH request.

Saturday is TOBS Sandalwood line.

Tuesday is my only open day but its been going to TOBS Eton College line or Grapefruit w/ CCL.
Sometimes it's planned ahead to finish one off, but usually it's just a last minute choice. Yesterday I got 12 new soap samples, so I'll finish them off before going back to my other 20 soaps.
If I have a new soap, I'll use it for a few days to evaluate it and break it in. Other than that, I rotate soaps based on the season and scent.
I just look at the 20 or so soaps & creams and one usually catches my eye. I usually say to myself, "hhhmmmm, I haven't used that in a while, kind of like 'Turtle's' chaos method. I keep telling myself I am going to make some sort of regular rotation list, but it hasn't happened. I do love having lots of great choices though.


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I was using Turtle's random method until I found the 3017 thread. See here: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/128392-My-Guess-3017 Now I am soap monogamous until the puck is done. You really get good at lathering a particular soap that way. Give it a try.

Same here. I started with a daily rotation, then weekly, now I use the 3017 method.

When a soap/cream is empty, I start a new one. Brushes and razors get a 1 week use/rotation, but lather product and AS get the 3017 treatment.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I stare at them for a few seconds then randomly pick "hmmm I think I'll go with this"

I'm halfway through a Palmolive stick, i'd like to finish it off so that's been swaying my vote.
I used to assign each one a number and let random.org choose for me. Now I just use whatever catches my eye or one that I haven't used for a while. This morning I just reached into my cabinet without looking and used the first one I touched.
I have a 7 day rotation. Seems to help give order to the week as it goes by. Also, some soaps just seem to be best for a given day. For example: MW Adirondack Jack is definitely my Monday soap, and MW Irish Traveller is great for Fridays.
Most days I select on a whim. On occasion it will be a deliberate choice picking an item I have overlooked for some time. Today it was planned. I have a puck of new formula GFT Eucris that refuses to perform. I just acquired a Vie-Long professional barber horse brush that I hope will rip the puck apart so I can get some proper lather. All other attempts using a variety of brushes failed. If the Vie-Long doesn't cut it the Eucris may find the bin. Big disappointment so far.
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