What do the numbers mean on the Merkur saftey razors?
Apr 25, 2010 #2 Nils They're the name, really. There is no other significance, apart from the letters: c for chrome plating, g for gold. Take a look here, they've got the biggest online range of Merkur razors I know of: http://www.scharferladen.de/shop/na....html?osCsid=344354db00f4c2f98ab64db5767984b8
They're the name, really. There is no other significance, apart from the letters: c for chrome plating, g for gold. Take a look here, they've got the biggest online range of Merkur razors I know of: http://www.scharferladen.de/shop/na....html?osCsid=344354db00f4c2f98ab64db5767984b8
Apr 25, 2010 Thread starter #3 R Ricker Interesting. I was thinking length or weight or something. I'll check out the link. Thanks.
Apr 25, 2010 #4 Nils Sorry, the link I posted was crap, use this one: http://www.scharferladen.de/ and then choose the "Rasierapparat shop" link.
Sorry, the link I posted was crap, use this one: http://www.scharferladen.de/ and then choose the "Rasierapparat shop" link.
Apr 25, 2010 Thread starter #5 R Ricker What are the differences between these razors. Does the blade angle change? I'm getting ready to make my first purchase and am more confused than ever.
What are the differences between these razors. Does the blade angle change? I'm getting ready to make my first purchase and am more confused than ever.