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Chinese Super Blue in USA?

Been trying out a Gillette Super Blue that a friend sent me a while back. EXCELLENT blades!
I cannot find a distributor on ebay or anywhere else. I have seen the Thai and Vietnames Super Thins on ebay many times. Why does no one sell the Super Blue??
I was able to buy 100 SGBB from member shekoujay back in December, he brought 500 back from China. I'm not sure if he sold them all. His posts are in this thread.

I too looked high and low before buying mine and I was never able to locate a distributor. I emailed a few sellers in China that I found through ebay, but I never heard back.
One way to get them is through Taobao. You will probably need to find an Taobao agent like MisterTao which takes commission for forwarding the goods to you. I haven't bought anything this way yet but I'm tempted because I want to try these blades too.
The Chinese Gillette blades are indeed hard to get in the west. Too bad since I found a lot of the blades that 'Flying Eagle' produces are above average and suit me a lot better than the St.Petersburg-Gillettes. It is clear they are not intended for our market which is a shame; finally a product-line 'made in China' that does meet our standards but only sold in SE-Asia.

They keep the goodies to themselves :lol:
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