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Chilling Whiskey

Looking to get a Xmas gift for a whiskey drinker in my life. I saw an ad for those soapstone whiskey disks that you freeze so you don't dilute your drink with ice. But then I also see you can buy metal cubes like those made by n'ice. Any idea which type work better, metal or soapstone?
I just looked at some soapstone cubes today. I have never had any of these things to be honest, but I love the concept. Sometimes I want my scotch a little cool but I hate adding water.

Personally, I'd try soapstone if anything, they just looked cooler.
A serious question: Why would you chill whiskey? I think it just looses taste that way.
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Don't see much point in those things. Plus it seems like they'd be a pain to wash. If you want the whiskey chilled but not diluted then wouldn't it be easier to put the bottle in the fridge and/or freeze the glass? I've also heard that soapstone's specific heat is pretty low, at least compared to ice, so you get far less chill in your drink than you would from an equivalent volume of ice.

One concern I also have is what happens when you finish the drink and put the glass up past horizontal to get the last few drops out? A mouthful of rocks?
Lower specific heat is exactly what I'd be looking for. I like a slight chill occasionally. Ice cold is too cold.

As for washing, just rinse and wipe. It's just a stone.

Also, wear a mouth guard. :)
I have a set of the soapstone. I'm not very impressed with their ability to chill whiskey, but I was looking to chill it to a lower temperature than I believe they were designed for. My roommate, however, likes to put them in some of his single malts to tame them just a bit. Washing is really easy, just rinse, dry, and throw back into the freezer.
I have a set of the soapstone ones. They give up their cold very quickly.
That may or may not be an advantage. I also find it takes several of them (6-8) to acheive any appreciable cooling.

They're nice, and usually get some positive comments about the concept, but overall, I'd rather have an ice cube. (I like tasting the changes in the whisky as it goes from straight to slightly diluted.)


I have that ice cube tray. It is fantastic. I don't use it for scotch, but it is great for other drinks.

Does the whiskey drinker in your life have scotch glasses? You might consider those.
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