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Chicago Foie Gras Faux Pas

My angle is that any way you slice it, the methods used to kill animals for food is violent.

My point wasn't about the methods used to kill animals. My point was about the way that animals destined for consumption live their lives.

Are you saying that since you like meat and to get meat you have to kill an animal, you don't care what happens to an animal along the way? Or, to put it another way, there can't be such a thing as animal cruelty for animals destined for the slaughterhouse?

Certainly, that seems to be the attitude of some others on the forum, as well as to deride people who feel otherwise as belonging to the "bambi" camp. You haven't done so--that's not what I'm suggesting. I just don't understand those whose appetite for meat prevents them from accepting the idea that livestock can have the chance to lead more comfortable lives while still ending up on the plate.

Again, most of the blame in my mind belongs to the factory-style farming trend. In factory farms livestock generally live very differently from their family-farm brethren. People have the right to choose to eat meat, but not necessarily the right to eat cheap meat. The profit motive is the only thing behind factory farming--sheer efficiency--and that's not a good thing when we're talking about living things.
I have no misgivings about killing another animal today. I honor it by dispatching it quickly and with as little pain as possible and ate it with the full knowledge that it had to die to give me a meal fit for a king.

That looks like regular asparagus...I thought wild asparagus was a different kind of thing?

Anyway, you've made me realize it's dinnertime.
That looks like regular asparagus...I thought wild asparagus was a different kind of thing?

Anyway, you've made me realize it's dinnertime.

Well I think it is nothing more than domestic Asparagus gone wild and growing, mostly, along fence lines apparently due to the fact that that's where the birds ,umm, do their business after eating the seeds. It is far more flavorful and tender than the stuff in the stores which is probably because I can eat it within minutes of being harvested and not after sitting in the produce section for weeks.

Enjoy your meal!
When Mr. Gillette is ready to slaughter his chickens I want to help, I'm not to far away. We could put on youtube. :wink:

Oh, I've done it before...it's humane and quick. Just like a visit to the "Cleavers."

But MT GRAYLING...Chris...Trout and wild asparagus? THAT is food for the Gods!!!!
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