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Cheapest place to buy Feathers

Title says it all. West coast sells 100 for $40. I see various vendors on eBay with good prices but I wonder how authentic they might be.

Any ideas?



Needs milk and a bidet!
it has been asked many times around here. the ebay vendors seem legit might take maybe 10+ days to get to you since they are overseas but I haven't read here about anyone getting ripped off. $27 is the cheapest i've seen them on ebay. there are also a few vendors here that sell them around $30 (i think but not sure who)
I can't remember the username of the person that runs that site but it is my understanding that he is a member here.

His B&B user name is DrIdiot.

Big +1 for this vendor. I've bought from him several times now, and his service is great. He is in Singapore, but shipping to Chicago has always taken only 8 or 9 calendar days.

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