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Changed razors and can't get described results... Schick Xtreme3 - Hydro 3

Hi there, this is my first post..... hopefully i provide all the information needed to get some replies.
I am nearly 30 years old and i have been shaving since i was a teen, i have used the Schick Xtreme3 sensitive disposable razor for the whole time and it has always been good enough for me, I mean i could shave with little irritation with one or two passes. Often i would be able to do this after having not shaved for 2 -4 days (i dont have much hair, average i would say)
2 years ago i moved to Korea and was able to find the Xtreme3, however now, i can no longer find it. So i thought i would try the Hydro 3, I assumed it would be as good or better.
My results are a far cry from what I have read on this site and others, for example, this morning I had not shaved for 4 days, I had a shower, lathered my face (proraso shaving soap http://www.amazon.com/Proraso-Shaving-Soap-5-2-147/dp/B0015UWUFM/ref=pd_sim_hpc_47) I shave the same way i always did, however its as though the blades dont even cut... i take 4 or 5 passes and still have some hair on my face... i do my entire face and then lather again and try to clean it up some more... in the end im shaved... but there is more irritation than i ever had with the Xtreme 3...
Any ideas why this razor might do this? I'm so frustrated since I have limited options here (for some reason shaving is very important in korean culture, yet i am unable to find a wide selection of razors.)
Thanks so much!
The Gillette Sensor razor was the ultimate two-bladed shaving device, and remains the ultimate cartridge, period. The Mach3 was not as good. My own experience with the (non-disposable) Hydro3 has been fairly good. I've had one in the shower for quite some while, and shave with it by feel often (no mirror). It's not as good in that use as the Sensor, but the handle is slightly easier to hold onto with wet, soapy fingers.

I've never used any disposable razor of any kind, ever. Unless you count my reaction to one of the Mach3s, but that one wasn't supposed to be thrown in the trash halfway through a bad shave.

If you favor Schick Cartridge razors, the "FX" was a two-bladed model in between an Atra and a Sensor.
Is this the common consensus? is it usually difficult for people to switch model/brand of razor?
Consensus really doesn't matter. You have to go with what works for you.

I'm so frustrated since I have limited options here (for some reason shaving is very important in korean culture, yet i am unable to find a wide selection of razors.)

Is mail order not an option? I mean, I'm in Houston and my Feathers come from Singapore.
Consensus really doesn't matter. You have to go with what works for you.

Is mail order not an option? I mean, I'm in Houston and my Feathers come from Singapore.

Yeah, i'm one of those picky people that doesnt like to have things mailed unnecessarily... nor do i want to use full disposables... but your right i guess that might be my only comfortable option.
I guess i meant consensus as though others have tried to change before and end up going back to something they hadd used in the past....

I think i will just have them mailed... or next care package have some added from home... :) thanks a lot everyone!!
Ok thanks! :)
Is this the common consensus? is it usually difficult for people to switch model/brand of razor?

I have never used a cart or "system" razor so I can't give you any specific advise about them. I can say that you may want to take a look at the group Wiki regarding technique as that will be the same regardless of what kind of razor you are using from straight razor to 5 blade system or disposable


I shave with a different razor and a different brand of blade EVERY DAY. I may go a month before I get back to a razor to use it again.

I take the razor blade out of my razors after I finish shaving as I will be using a different razor the next day.

I have 6 paper blade wrappers on my counter marked 1 through 6 for the number of shaves on the blade that is sitting on that paper (it's the only way I can keep track of the # of shaves each blade has on it with a half dozen blades unwrapped).

I may have anywhere between 6 and 10 different brands of blade unwrapped at any given time. I may pick up any of the blades and use it in any razor I own, depending on how I feel that day when I shave.

So no, I don't have any difficulty/problems changing products at all (DE, SE, or straight razors).... but.... I have been shaving for 45 years so I sort of have the "hang" of it now :smile:

Could the blades in Korea need not be as sharp due to Asian hair growth is different and less fuller than other nationalities?
I'll just throw it out there that you should try a DE razor as well.
+1 - We're big on DE and straights here.

I used disposables and cartridge razors for eight weeks back in the spring, but none of the systems you mention. I found that they did a good enough job, although the triple blade systems seemed to produce a lot of skin irritation.

Please tell us more about your passes. Are you shaving in the same direction or different ones? Are you just doing straight passes or are you familiar with blade buffing and J-hooking to deal with trouble spots?
Well, if you use the exact same technique and products with one brand (getting very good results) as a second brand (getting lousy results) I'd say that the second brand isn't well suited to your face/skin. Blades are made out of different materials and to different specs, it's not surprising that you love one and hate another and you'd be best served by either buying the original brand online or finding another one you can live with.
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