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Cavalier Restoration

I finally got around to setting the knot in this restoration of a Cavalier brush. My cursory research turned nothing up on this brush or its manufacturer, so I’ve nothing to offer on that. This appears to be a well made brush, though, and the handle has good ergonomics with a nice heft. In any event, here is what it looked like when I got it:

$Cavalier Before A.jpg

Removing the old knot was pretty straightforward, and only light drum sanding was necessary to enlarge the socket to accept a 24mm knot. The handle, although dirty and stained, required only light sanding (I believe I started at 800 grit and worked up to 2500 grit). I painted the lettering a dark brown, and then polished it up. For the knot I decided on a TGN 24mm Super 2 Band Finest and set the loft at 50mm. Here’s the finished brush:

$Cavalier After A.jpg$Cavalier After B.jpg

I’m happy with the result. As the regulars who post in this Brush Making and Restoration sub-forum know very well, bringing these old brushes back to life is a lot of fun. :001_smile
Very well done. The brown lettering really pops. What did you use?

Thanks, David. I used ordinary Testor's enamel to paint the lettering-- not sure what the name or number of the color is, but it's a dark brown. As far as technique, I followed the procedure detailed by Gigster in a post that can be found in this sub-forum.
Looks really nice, and the loft looks good. Enjoy the new addition to your shave den.

Thanks! As it turns out, I probably won't get to give it a test run. My son was visiting last week and I offered him his choice of the three brush restorations I've been working on. He selected this one. :001_unsur
Thanks! As it turns out, I probably won't get to give it a test run. My son was visiting last week and I offered him his choice of the three brush restorations I've been working on. He selected this one. :001_unsur
Your son has excellent taste! :thumbup:
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