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Cased BRW Bull Mastiff Razor Pics

Bob's Razorworks Bull Mastiff in Hoffritz case by mattface, on Flickr

Got this case with a Valet Autostrop. Apparently nobody wanted the Autostrop, so I got the case for the minimum 99¢ bid. It'll hold any of my short handled razors, but none look as pretty in it as my new Bull Mastiff. Thanks jgkeegan, and thanks Cooncatbob for such beautiful craftsmanship! Now without any further ado, MORE PORN!

Handy dandy little magnetized handle tip! by mattface, on Flickr
This is so clever! I didn't even realize they came with a magnetized handle tip.

Bob's Razorworks Bull Mastiff ON Hoffritz case by mattface, on Flickr
Another more artistic use for the built-in magnet.

The case came with these blades by mattface, on Flickr
Wonder how these blades are...
You have been picking up some very cool razors. Congrats. Your collection must be pretty darn nice.

Thanks. It's really getting there! I started with a large sampling of inexpensive razors, found what I like, then set about getting really nice examples of those for my regular rotation, and selling off the rest. My current collection consists of 5 razors, this one will represent the 3 piece open comb category. The cool thing is, that I've gotten to have a lot of really neat razors come through my hands (and over my face) in the last month or so. They all go out in better shape than I found them and find new homes.

I'm still waiting on the Aristocrat, could be waiting a while with customs, but I'll post pictures of the full collection when it's finally all in one place.
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