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cartridge razors the new vintage

i have started to notice a few of the old gillette cartridge razors are popping up on ebay, i have a few of the first ones that were out,a couple of gillettes and a wilkinson sword one, these tend to be twin blade numbers , would never have thought people would be into these,then i suppose people said that about de razors.
I need to pick up a sensor handle again at some point. Mine (which was my fathers) broke recently when someone knocked it off the counter. When it comes to cartridge razors the older two blade models seem to be the best.
I need to pick up a sensor handle again at some point. Mine (which was my fathers) broke recently when someone knocked it off the counter. When it comes to cartridge razors the older two blade models seem to be the best.
i am sure one of the ones i have is the sensor, it must be over 20 years old, the other two are about 10 or 15 years older, you are right they were great shavers, when they went 3, 4, 5 blades that when they became too much.
The Atra was/is one of the best. I use mine regularly, though the funny thing is that it's the razor I started out with in the mid 80's and I thought it was a torture device. Amazing what can happen to opinions when you learn how to use the tool properly with good technique and prep.
I have a couple of old college buddies (Trac II) that see regular use - one I keep in the camp trailer & the other for travel. They are ideal for my travel needs, since I can "dry" shave with them (well, with a little water). I have a couple dozen Wilkinson carts which should be nearly a lifetime supply!

Who, knows, because in 1985 you could probably pick up all the DE razors you wanted for free, but the cartridge razors (after the Atras) are all plastic and junky-feeling. DEs are metal and at least feel solid and will last. I can't imagine a 40 year old Fusion.
When it comes to cartridge razors the older two blade models seem to be the best.
I used some old carts and disposables back during the spring in an attempt to use up what I had on hand at the time of my DE conversion. The triple-bladed carts and disposables gave me lots of razor burn when I was attempting multiple passes.

The Atra was/is one of the best. I use mine regularly, though the funny thing is that it's the razor I started out with in the mid 80's and I thought it was a torture device. Amazing what can happen to opinions when you learn how to use the tool properly with good technique and prep.
Yea, I was surprised that I was achieving DFS and maybe even BBS when using Atra compatible carts this spring. When I was using them on a regular basis I would do a quick face wash, slap on the Barbasol, and do a single WTG pass. Then I would jump in the shower to wash the blood away. Proper prep and techniques makes all the difference. Had I learned about inexpensive store brand refills and proper technique I may not have taken up the DE.

For travel razors, they can be quite practical.
They may be the way to go if one is flying. If the choice is between my Atra or winding up in hand cuffs for trying to smuggle a DE blade past the TSA in my carry on, the Atra wins hands down.
Used one for years. Chucked it for the Sensor, then lost my mind on every new model that came along. Atra was decent, but I now believe DE is much better, at least for me.
i am sure the other gillette is an atra, its silver all metal, the wilkinson is metal with some resin on the handle, i will need to dig these two out, but i came across the sensor in a box, its still got the holder that it came in with a blade in the back, fairly heavy cast or something, its not plastic or resin.
I had ditched my Atra in the medicine cabinet when the Sensor came out; the Sensor did give me a better shave until the Sensor Excel came out. Over the years I have been watching the Excel carts slowly rise in price. I recently went to get a 10 pack and at $20.00 I said; "No more". I switched back to the Atra with a pack of store brand refills and that sealed the deal. I then switched to DE and do not regret it at all. I look back and think I should have done this sooner; hindsight IS 20/20.
Well, Merkur also makes a handle for twin blade cartridges, and the twin blade cartridges, too! One seller (at random) here:


No experience with them. I've just noticed them while shopping for my Progress.

To me that Merkur handle at $50 is way overpriced. Plus, I find that particular handle design a bit akward and poorly balanced, but admittedly quite handsome!

My suggestion is to take a Bump Fighter handle and use the Merkur plastic adaptors (Em's Place sells them for $2.25 each); the handle becomes a TracII razor ( with no adaptor) or with Adaptor A an Atra razor, or with Adaptor B, a Sensor-compatible razor. A third adaptor uses Schick Protector cartridges (I find them less widely available than TracII, Atra or Sensor versions). Em and other vendors also sell handsome all-metal Trac II handles for $25-30, should you find the BumpFighter a tad downscale for your tastes.

It's my new "thing!" I have found that as my skin ages -I'm now 71- my sensitivity to even a mildly aggressive DE razor/blade combo has increased. Being on an anti-coagulant drug like Plavix has also meant that even a minor "cut" quickly becomes a real bleeder. I have found refuge in these twin-bladed cartridges. The trade off is that BBS shaves are no longer the norm; but frankly DFS results aren't all that bad!

Just my two cents and all that!

Once the Sensors went over $1 a cartridge, that's when I said no. That's getting into the modern cart price territory. Less supply means higher prices each year. Yeah, they will be deemed "vintage" some day. Cost and variety are the main reasons I got into DE shaving.
Less supply means higher prices each year.

Gillette still makes cartridges for the Atra, Sensor, and Trac II. While Gillette may not their own handles anymore for the Sensor (the Atra and Trac II are still sold by Gillette in other countries), there are plenty of compatible handles available for the Trac II, and Atra. I don't really see a dwindling supply as being a factor in their pricing at all.
Well, Merkur also makes a handle for twin blade cartridges, and the twin blade cartridges, too! One seller (at random) here:


No experience with them. I've just noticed them while shopping for my Progress.

I have one and use it on a regular basis. I use the Merkur cartridge without the pivot adaptor. If I want to use different cartridges, they have adaptors to fit the others too. It's a keeper in my book.
Gillette is running a commercial for the Mach 3 on the MLB network lately, maybe they're putting it out there as a less expensive alternative to the higher priced Fusion. Wonder how far back in their catalog they're willing to go?
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