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Care and Feeding of a shaving brush- suggestions

Just bought my first shaving brush.

What is the care and feeding regimen for such a device ?

I bought an Omega brush...not the most expensive, but this Italian product looks like a good, serviceable unit.

I've never used a shaving brush before and there are no maintenance instructions with the one I bought, but I want to make sure I do the right thing.

Really easy.... after your shave...rinse the brush out and squeeze the bristles , keep rinsing and squeezing until the water is clear.... shake the brush to get more water out... give it a couple of swipes on a towel and set out to dry. This is my procedure evry day
Really easy.... after your shave...rinse the brush out and squeeze the bristles , keep rinsing and squeezing until the water is clear.... shake the brush to get more water out... give it a couple of swipes on a towel and set out to dry. This is my procedure evry day

+1. It works like a charm.
Really easy.... after your shave...rinse the brush out and squeeze the bristles , keep rinsing and squeezing until the water is clear.... shake the brush to get more water out... give it a couple of swipes on a towel and set out to dry. This is my procedure evry day

This is what I do with my shaving and paint brushes:thumbup:
Make sure it's completely dry before putting away in a closed container.
Run some shampoo through it every couple of months.
That by itself is more than 99% of men ever used to do, and their brushes lasted for decades.
Thanks for the link. I noticed a white ring of soap scum at the base of my brush and I'm going to give the cleaning a try.
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