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Car Problem Diagnostic help?

Howdy y'all

I experienced a problem with my car's A/C system today while on a approx. 3 hour drive home. My car's A/C seemingly "died" for about an hour on the ride, but returned and it seems fine now. That's basically the best way I can describe it, there wasn't much of a discernible difference between any of the fan speeds during this time and there was no A/C to be felt either. I had played around with some of the settings(a/c on/off,speeds,etc.) and nothing happened so I rolled down the windows and assumed my a/c died. A short while later though I decided to turn the fan back on and lo and behold, it now was working. Is there something that is on it's way out in my A/C unit? Some motor or something else? Thanks in advance for any advice or feedback...

The car is an 07 Mazda btw.
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Yes, it came back on while driving. Perhaps after turning the fan off and then on again. Hey, as long as it keeps working, I'm good with that.
I wouldn't be good with that. Its probly a sign of whats to come. Do you know anyone with a set gauges? I'd highly recommend getting to the bottom of the problem before it rears its ugly head again and maybe breaks something else with it.
Tech says from what he can see though a tough call without seeing car... most likely it is the expansion valve, though as their parts guy i can tell you i dont order a whole lot of those... and again i am assuming its a mazda 3
my money's on an a/c relay under the hood in the fuse box. see if it gets hot or starts clickin. you can also test the continuity by reading the circuit on the relays themselves
Also depends on if it's auto air or manual air controls... can't be the relay the relay has a tonne of connected things on that same circuit
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