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Can't get a good shave with soaps unless using a "pre-shave"

I've only used VDH and Kell's as far as soap. Anyway, I find that if I rub in just a tad of Neutrogena creme as a pre-shave, I get a good shave, but without it, a raw shave. Now, I can get a nice shave from CO Bigelow cream, but its the only real cream I've tried. Are soaps just not as protective and slick?


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
IMO, your lather with a soap is not slick enough. You are very lucky to be able to shave without a prep. If you can do it with a shave cream, you can do it with shave soap. Both results with be lather...
I use a pre-shave (Proraso green or white depending on mood) every shave, every pass. Maybe I don't need it anymore but hey! it works. My 2 cents is keep doing the things that help you enjoy your shaves.
Something you shouldn't forget is general shave prep before your shave, as in taking a shower or using a hot towel to prepare your face. I just made a Shave Tutorial video about this as part of my Movember participation that I think you might find useful. You can find it, and the rest of my shave tutorial videos at my Movember site at :


I've only been traditional wet shaving for a little over a year, and I've learned a lot since then. I hope to give back to the B&B community through these videos this month as a fun way to keep my Movember page active. If you find my video useful or entertaining, consider leaving a donation on the site, which goes straight to prostate cancer and testicular cancer research to improve Men's Health.

Best of luck to you, and I wish you more comfortable shaves in the future!
You're using crappy soap.

Try a tallow based shave stick like Speik or euro Palmolive. They are not expensive and you'll get to see how a good soap performs.
I would say creams are more slick and less protective than soaps if you lather the soap right. On the other hand, there's some considerable debate about what those terms mean.

It seems like a lot of people say creams are a lot easier to work with when you start out. I think you've hit on a really good temporary solution--using the cream as a base, while trying to get a better lather out of soap. I think it's worth passing that tip on to others as a general newbie suggestion. Keep working on getting a better lather out of soaps until you can dispense with the cream altogether. You might neeed to try some other soaps to find some you like. At the same time, don't give up on trying other creams. You won't know what you really like until you've given them a proper trial.
IMO, your lather with a soap is not slick enough. You are very lucky to be able to shave without a prep. If you can do it with a shave cream, you can do it with shave soap. Both results with be lather...
Agree. You just don't have the right water and product mix yet. I would suggest going to face lathering. Quickest way to get that desired slick consistency.
Are soaps just not as protective and slick?

~~~as others have said, you need to practice more, experimenting with your water to product ratio, and try face lathering soap. Keep at it, you'll find it's easy to make a creamy lather using shave soap, it just takes practice. that said, something you should try...build a face lather w/no expectations of using it in front of a shave. IOW, build a face lather using shave soap strictly to practice, again and again. Do this when you have time and are not expecting to shave with this lather...you're doing it only to practice

For hard soaps, I think this is the best tutorial I've come across


I've yet to use the VDH soap but plenty here have and some swear by it, others aren't too fond...

right now, the shave soap I'm using the most is- Ogallala Bay Rum/Sandalwood Love it!, Love it!, Love it! I find it's a bit of a drying soap for me which I like as I tend to make my face lathers on the dry side, and it forces me to use a moisturizing after shave

Another soap new for me I tried recently and enjoyed using, Mystic Waters (lily of the valley), now this one is made using fresh beef tallow and boy is it a slick soap. I've used it a half dozen X's and ever time I've used it, I never felt the need to use a moisturizing A/S afterwards

I could write several paragraphs telling you about the various soaps I use and like but I wont bore you with the details. Suffice it to say, you need to expand your horizons and experiment with a few other shave soaps, all in the intrest of trying new things. I will say this...Omega shave soap in inexpensive and easy to lather...both the new and the old formulas, and if you get an opportunity to buy the old formula Omega shave soap, jump on it, it's truly a classic, & best used face lathering with a boar shave brush IMNSHO

Actually, there's one more thing you should know...if you buy a soft soap, it requires a different technique-


I like this method but you can make a good lather using soft soaps without keeping the brush full of water while loading...yet I find it's easier to load a shave brush (boar) when soppin wet loading soft soap. others may have better and different ideas


Reddick Fla.
Are soaps just not as protective and slick?
Nope. Your prep and/or technique (possibly the soap you're using as well) just aren't there yet -- especially considering something else that you said:
Anyway, I find that if I rub in just a tad of Neutrogena creme as a pre-shave, I get a good shave

I'd also guess that you're probably not loading enough. However, it's really difficult to say without more details from you.
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