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Can't fool her

Yesterday I put on two spritzes of Creed Himalaya and went about my business upstairs. Inside of 5 minutes, my wife - who was downstairs - was asking if I had put on a cologne. I confirmed it. She asked if it was one that was different from the "good one" she liked (Millésime Impérial). I confirmed that as well. She said she could detect something lavender like in the scent I was wearing and said it was bothering her breathing.

Dang! Caught again!

So I washed it off, dried everything, checked to make sure there wasn't any residual scent, waited an hour, then applied Millésime Impérial and presented myself to her in person. "Much better!" was her reply.

It's funny, but I thought *I* detected something vaguely along the lines of lavender in the fresh batch of Himalaya I picked up, but thought I was imagining it. Guess not. And - *she* was able to continue smelling Himalaya throughout the house for almost 20 minutes after I washed it off.

Nose of a bloodhound with that one. :biggrin1:
You should look into getting something that will deaden her sense of smell. I don't know what, maybe clothes pins or something.
She should get a job at a cologne maker with a sense of smell like that! Pretty discerning nose!:w00t:
That's funny. My wife only knows - good or bad.

Notes, what notes? I knew it was bad when she could not tell the diff between Floid and Creed. She liked Floid better.
I feel for you Mitch. i'm pretty lucky that Mrs. Nid Hog seems to like everything from Clubman to Knize Ten that I've been experimenting with. Better yet, my favorite ones seem to be hers too. I like the perfumes that she uses too, so things seem to be working out OK. So far.
After all, Mitch, she did work very hard to help you identify those she likes, and those she dislikes. Don't make her think you weren't listening....

..........yes, that's the pained, bruised the voice of experience!

Sorry Brother my wife likes most everything but if I would she would have me wear Stedson AS and Col every day.
I am somewhat sensitive to smells too. What really bothers me is when people drench themselves in perfume or cologne and it is overpoweriny unpleasant at best or it kicks up my asthma for the rest of the day at worst. I won't say anything usually (just try to hold my breath and get away) even though it's obvious these people have no clue that they are way too overfragranced. Perhaps your wife is like me in that regard. At least it's good she gives you feedback, others you don't know as well might not.
I think this is a great example of how sensitive to fragrances some people are. Also why you should never wear any cologne to an interview...you have no idea if the person you are meeting with might have a sensitivity or allergy to the particular fragrance you decided to wear.

Personally, I'm not that sensitive to fragrances. I really only detect fragrances if I'm standing right next to someone or if somebody walks by that has applied or overapplied a very strong fragrance.
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