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Canned Foam v. Canned Gel




Would you please offer your opinions of the relative strengths and weaknesses of canned foam versus canned gel?

Thank you.

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how about they both suck and you should use real creams or soaps?

however, i prefer the foam because when i shaved with a cartridge the gel would always get stuck in the razor
A thing of the past now but what i used was gel no big reason but i hated when you used foam and looked like father xmas every morning just found it too much really whereas i just squirted out a bit of gel which foamed but to no level like the foam stuff, though i will say that when i was using this sort of junk i found that the palmolive foam was pretty good and the cheapest on the market here in the uk, like thier shave sticks, cheap but very effective.
when I used gels I always wished they wouldn't turn to foam when they were applied. I always felt like it would be better if they would stay in gel form.

That's when I switched to King of Shaves gels. I found them superior to either canned foam OR canned gel.
I switched from foam to gel in the mid 90's because it was slicker and gave me more of a cushion between my atra razor and my skin. The trick with gel is that you have to use a little more water or it will clog up your razor.

Just tried the brushless edge active care infused shave cream in a tube. It's non foaming, and I found it to be slick but lacking cushion. You have to use a lot of water or you will clog up your razor. It does work ok as a preshave underneath my soap or cream.

I generally prefered foams over gels as I always found gels seemed more drying to me.

Funny thing is with what I've learned here the last few years about prep and technique, I've found I can go back and get a pretty decent shave using foam if/when the need arrises (Not that I plan on giving up my soaps and brush anytime soon).

Would you please offer your opinions of the relative strengths and weaknesses of canned foam versus canned gel.

Thank you.


weakness...they are canned
strength I guess it is fascinating in some level to watch them come out???
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I switched to blade shaving once my beard got such that the electric could not cut close enough and kept tugging me painfully. Used foam and a cartridge for the first couple of times. It didn't feel like it lubricated at all and I usually cut myself. Gels worked far better but it took me a long time to realise you don't need the massive dollop they show you on the adverts. Applying the stuff cold from the can on winter mornings was not pleasant however.

I gave away all but one of my gels to my brother when I got into using a DE with soaps and creams. The remaining can (Nivea stuff) is used for emergency one or two pass shaves in the shower when I've got 5 minutes to get it done. If that ever runs out I'll just buy a cheap supermarket brand version.

I certainly don't miss using gel every day.
I read in a article somewhere , i don't remember where, but they said that in gel, there's a substance that makes your blade dull faster.
Having recently done an experiment where I went back to the canned goo for a week, my findings can be summarized as:

  • You can get good shaves from canned stuff
  • Edge gel worked better for me than any foam
  • Good prep can make any cream, soap or can work pretty well
  • Canned goo has no soul
  • I much prefer a brush and soaps or creams
  • Canned stuff is easier and slightly quicker
Of course proper shaving soap/cream wins. But having tested Gillette's own Mach 3 foam and Gillette Gel (it was blueish) I like the foam more. The gel was too tricky for me.
Before I started "shaving for real",, I tried a lot of canned stuff and found that Nivea gel gave me the best results...

Now it just sits there in the closet,, festering it's inferiority complex as it looks over at the soaps, creams,, and brushes.....

I almost feel bad for it... Maybe I'll put it out of it's misery with my M1 Garand....

Would you please offer your opinions of the relative strengths and weaknesses of canned foam versus canned gel.

Thank you.

Canned foam is not dense, protective or slick. Canned gel takes forever to rub into a foam and gets all clogged up in the razor blades. Try mug soap and a DE razor!
When I was using the canned stuff I prefered the foam to the gel because it gave slightly less skin irritation. Since I started shaving with soaps and creams, I get 0 irritation and better performance in all categories I find important: glide, moisturizing, scent, overal pleasure of experience and end result. Needless to say, if I do buy cans again it will only be for guests and for a very occasional reminder of what I am not missing.
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