When I first tried Derby blades they really seemed to work for me and I bought a box. Now using a different razor, and my technique has probably evolved a bit too. At any rate, I now find that the Derby blades are just sitting in a drawer. That seems like a waste.
So, a PIF. Limited to Canada to save on postage.
Canucks who like Derbys, or would just like to try them, post "I'm in, eh."
If there are lots of entries, I'll pick at random. If there are just a few I will split the box and get a few pack to everyone.
There you go, eh.
So, a PIF. Limited to Canada to save on postage.
Canucks who like Derbys, or would just like to try them, post "I'm in, eh."
If there are lots of entries, I'll pick at random. If there are just a few I will split the box and get a few pack to everyone.
There you go, eh.