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Canadian Derby PIF

When I first tried Derby blades they really seemed to work for me and I bought a box. Now using a different razor, and my technique has probably evolved a bit too. At any rate, I now find that the Derby blades are just sitting in a drawer. That seems like a waste.

So, a PIF. Limited to Canada to save on postage.

Canucks who like Derbys, or would just like to try them, post "I'm in, eh."

If there are lots of entries, I'll pick at random. If there are just a few I will split the box and get a few pack to everyone.

There you go, eh.
And here I was getting all excited that there was a new Derby blade made in Canada that no one knew about. Talk about misleading titles. :biggrin1:
When I first tried Derby blades they really seemed to work for me and I bought a box. Now using a different razor, and my technique has probably evolved a bit too. At any rate, I now find that the Derby blades are just sitting in a drawer. That seems like a waste.

So, a PIF. Limited to Canada to save on postage.

Canucks who like Derbys, or would just like to try them, post "I'm in, eh."

If there are lots of entries, I'll pick at random. If there are just a few I will split the box and get a few pack to everyone.

There you go, eh.

I'm in, eh!

(nice gesture by the way!)
I'm not in, as I've been very fortunate lately. I have had good experiences with these blades and strongly recommend everyone try these at least once, or twice!
Good luck to all! Thanks Snidely!
John, nice to see you doing yet another great PIF. I'm not in on this one but I just thought I'd stop in to say hi and Merry Christmas!
New DE owner and member of the forum also from Ontario here.. I already got a pack of Derbys in my starter kit so I don't need them but it's very kind of you to offer.. This forum surprises me with its generous members giving things away, it's very refreshing to see that's for certain!

I will definitely keep an eye out for any Canadian offers of a soap or shaving cream though! My starter kit came with a tub of Castle Forbes lime shaving cream and it seems like its enough to last a very long time so it might be wasteful for me to buy even more products but I'm dying to know what other exotic soaps are like! I've literally only ever tried Castle Forbes lime..

Cheers !
That's it then. map47 is the winner of 95 Derby blades, chosen by random.org. Thanks to all who participated. Happy New Year, eh.
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