Hello gentlemen of the world. My SWMBO is currently working her way through Rick Steins far eastern odyssey cook book. We have sourced most of the ingredients locally. We are having no luck whatsoever in finding one thing.
PRAHOCUnique to Cambodian cuisine, prahoc is a popular fish-based condiment, made by fermenting whole fish, or chunks of fish, with ground rice and salt. Extremely pungent and, perhaps, more offensive-smelling than the Vietnamese mam tom, this potent sauce is essential in Cambodian cooking. Once added to dishes, it mellows in odor and enhances the flavor of the other ingredients. The most common fish used to make this condiment are mud fish, grey featherback and gouramy. Jars of prahoc are available in Asian stores. A small jar will go a long way and keep for months. Generally, prahoc is not used directly from the jra; a small amount is diluted in boiling water and strained. The strained liquid is called tuk prahoc, which is used in practically every Cambodian savory dish.
Can anyone help me out please? Oh btw I did google it for days and days!
Can anyone help me out please? Oh btw I did google it for days and days!