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Is it possible to straighten bent teeth on an open comb razor or not worth the risk of breaking it off?
I have seen razors I would have bought but for bent teeth.
It's probably not worth the effort to straighten them out due to the risk of them breaking. The bent tooth shouldn't affect the shave.
Depends on how bent. I've successfully aligned some teeth with the gentle use of pliers. Excessive bending will cause fatigue, for sure, but brass is more maliable than it is brittle, otherwise we'd see a lot more razors with broken teeth than with merely bent ones.

Those with more experience should chime in and correct me if I'm wrong.

As far as affecting the shave, it depends on the direction of the bend. If lateral, it shouldn't affect much; so you might not want to risk it. If the tooth is bent upward, that can create a hump in the blade, which will not be fun to use; in this case, the razor might not even be usable unless you fix it.
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I asked about this recently and was advised against it unless you are prepared for the worst and a broken tooth. If you were to try it I would think heating it up would be advisable.
I have seen razors I would have bought but for bent teeth.

Another factor is the cost. If you pick up these razors for $1 each (that's what I got mine for), it won't set you back much if your attempt to fix it fails. Get five of them: if three break and two don't, then you have two razors for $5.
Depends on how bent. I've successfully aligned some teeth with the gentle use of pliers. Excessive bending will cause fatigue, for sure, but brass is more maliable than it is brittle, otherwise we'd see a lot more razors with broken teeth than with merely bent ones.

I've not done this with razors as bent teeth don't bother me near as much as missing teeth, but I have experience in bending other similar metals. I believe you get a free play with the first bend, but subsequent bends are in the danger zone. Cold working metal is the main issue, I believe. Thus the many bent teeth and not so many missing teeth characteristic.

Most of my experience has been in rewiring switches and outlets. Nothing more heartbreaking in having just enough slack and having the exposed wire snap off from too much cold working (un-bending and re-bending the wire around terminals).

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