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Can Someone Help With An ID?



I just won a razor lot on ebay and I would appreciate any help in identifying what I bought.

There are four Gillettes, three Gems, and one Schick injector. The ones on the left side look silver and include a Black Tip, a Slim Adjustable, and a Gem which I know little about.

The ones on the right all look gold and include a Gold Tech, the Schick Injector, and the one on the top right, which is the one I'm really curious about. Is that some type of Rocket?

The one in the case is another Gem as is the one on the bottom. Again, I don't know much about the Gems either.

So, what did I buy?
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the cased gem looks to be an open-comb micromatic (if it's in the correct case)
the older looking gem is what we call a 1912 model
and the bottom gem looks to be a bar-guard micromatic

hopefully the micromatics are of different guard-types, so you can try each type out

The gold gillette tto looks to be a late 40's aristocrat http://www.mr-razor.com/Rasierer/One-Piece%20solid%20guard%20bar/1947%20Aristocrat%20light%20brown%20case%20red%20satin%20inlet%20lining.JPG

for ~$60 i'd say you picked up a nice haul :thumbup1:


I need a flea bath
So you are the one that blew me out of the water on that auction. I am glad someone on this forum got it. :thumbup1: I am not as proficient with the SE razors so I will let someone else tell you what you have.

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