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Can someone explain the rating system for reviews, it is not making sense to me.

On the shaving cream review ratings New York Shaving Company Tonsorial has a rating of 6.00 and The Gentleman's Refinary Black Ice has a rating of 10.00, but when you look at the actual reviews NYS Tonsorial has much higher numbers and nicer things said that Black Ice does. NYS Tonsorial seems like it would average out close to 8 and the number for Black ice would be significantly lower. What is the rating actually measuring?
That does seem strange to me. I have NYSC Tonsorial myself and I feel it is an excellent performer. Maybe the scent is turning people off.
Ratings are not done by B&B but by individual members. They are free to assign whatever numbers they want to the product they review.
Ratings are not done by B&B but by individual members. They are free to assign whatever numbers they want to the product they review.

But that's just it. When you look at the numbers people assign it does not match the rating given. The average number for NYS Tonsorial would be close to eight. But on the ratings before you click to see the reviews it says 6.00. That is definitely not how reviewers graded it. Of the two reviews the lowest score in any catagory for this product was a six, and that was only in one catagory in one review. There is no way the average could be 6.00.
That does seem strange to me. I have NYSC Tonsorial myself and I feel it is an excellent performer. Maybe the scent is turning people off.

Nope. The scent was liked, the reviewers gave the product high grades when you look at the catagories, but when you look at the overall rating (the rating before you go in and actually read the reviews) it is low. Black ice has this issue in reverse. If you were to just look at the overall rating and not read the reviews you might pass on Tonsorial and buy Black Ice. Is this a system glitch or does this rating mean something else besides how users like the product?


My elbows leak
Staff member
When you do a review, there is another category that is not shown in the individual statistics which is "How would you rate this product".
That rating is what shows up as 6 between the two reviewers.
As was previously mentioned, members may choose to put whatever number they think is appropriate in their review.
If they feel the overall rating is a 6 in spite of 7 or 8 or 9 in individual categories, then the overall rating is still 6, because that is what they said it was.
When you do a review, there is another category that is not shown in the individual statistics which is "How would you rate this product".
That rating is what shows up as 6 between the two reviewers.
As was previously mentioned, members may choose to put whatever number they think is appropriate in their review.
If they feel the overall rating is a 6 in spite of 7 or 8 or 9 in individual categories, then the overall rating is still 6, because that is what they said it was.

That explains it. So 8 people review Black Ice, 6 are not impressed and 2 like it alot. One of those 2 gives it an overall 10, and no one else gives it an overall rating so even though the most of the reviews were not all that glowing that one 10 gives the product a 10 rating. I understand it now, but that does not seem to be providing an accurate rating.


My elbows leak
Staff member
It's not intended to be an unbiased system such as a Job Performance Rating.
You'll get more from the review by reading the text, and looking at individual category ratings rather than the overall.
The overall rating has a built in bias which is impossible to overcome, for instance...
A cream may have a 10 rating in every category, but the reviewer thinks the smell is horrendous and gives it a poor rating because of the stench.
For someone who the smell doesn't bother, the review itself is spot on, but the overall rating is way off.
Others who may share the disdain for the smell may agree completely.
You can't trust the rating numbers here, as people are all over the place in their subjective assessments - often made with only one type of razor. All you can do is read through the reviews, focusing especially on those that make comparisons to other creams, and then get a feel for whether a cream is special or not. Then there are people who have tried dozens of creams, and their reviews have to have more weight than those of people who have only tried a couple of creams.

At one time I was actually going to do my first review and rate Arko Regular as a terrible cream because of all the nicks I got from it with my regular razors, in sharp contrast to how well my Trumpers cream worked. I'm glad I didn't because then I found that my Trumpers cream wasn't working very well at all with my newly acquired and very mild Weber DLC and Lord L5 razors - but they in turn worked very well with the Arko Regular that I had previously disliked.
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