I just tried a Shark Super Chrome in my EJ DE89 for the first time and noticed a difference in the feel of the shave that I haven't experienced with other blades. It's kind of hard to describe but the best I can do by putting it into words is that it feels kind of like it is shaving dry. (Almost kind of a scraping feeling.) My prep hasn't changed, my face and beard are wet (pre-soaked) with a very thin layer of Noxema under a nice lather (not too wet or dry). I'm not feeling pulling/tugging or skipping. My post shave alum application reveals that the shaves have been nearly irritation free or slightly irritated in my usual trouble spots. (I'm a relative newby still working on my technique.) Do some blades feel kind of like they shave dry? I've read conversations where some shavers said that they like a blade that provides them with feedback. Maybe this is one of those kind of blades? (for me) I just got my 4th shave out of the blade and it was very nice.