Hi there, just signed up, have been reading through a few posts and reviews and everyone seems a friendly bunch so I thought I'd see if I could get some help.
In December my 30th birthday is coming up, my wife doesn't know what to get me and would like it to be something I can keep. I have been bought a nice watch, pen etc in the past and do enjoy shaving so thought a nice razor would be a good idea.
I'm not too sure on the difference between SE and saftey razors? What I would ideally like is something that moves me away from the cartridge based razor.
I will need to be able to shave my head with this razor as well as face/neck. In general my skin is fine but under my neck, if I shave badly or in a rush can become sore. I have a few (3 or 4) small moles on my head that I occasionally nick or scrap off when shaving my head (which gets done twice a week along with my shave). Currently I use a twin (Gillete Sensor Excel) on my head which is not bad and much better than the Mach 3 which gets totally blocked, but the Sensor Excel still gets blocked and I can only use a cartridge twice. I also find when I go over the same spot a few times to get all hair my head starts to feel quite sore. I use a Mach 3 on my neck and face which seems to not bring my neck up. I use a brush with Body Shop Maca Root shaving foam for both, which seems to be very smooth, but noticed when used on head and it runs in your eyes, stings like crazy.
I do like the idea of something traditional looking, and it doesn't have to be cheap. I'm not sure on what the pricing on these types of razors are, but anything from £50 to £200 would be acceptable so some options would be great. Would like new, as while I'm sure there are some amazing vintage ones to be had, for a gift I believe my wife will want it to be new. Any other recommendations like stands, or cases, luxury brushes and foams would be welcomed too.
Really totally new to this so any advice is really appreciated.
In December my 30th birthday is coming up, my wife doesn't know what to get me and would like it to be something I can keep. I have been bought a nice watch, pen etc in the past and do enjoy shaving so thought a nice razor would be a good idea.
I'm not too sure on the difference between SE and saftey razors? What I would ideally like is something that moves me away from the cartridge based razor.
I will need to be able to shave my head with this razor as well as face/neck. In general my skin is fine but under my neck, if I shave badly or in a rush can become sore. I have a few (3 or 4) small moles on my head that I occasionally nick or scrap off when shaving my head (which gets done twice a week along with my shave). Currently I use a twin (Gillete Sensor Excel) on my head which is not bad and much better than the Mach 3 which gets totally blocked, but the Sensor Excel still gets blocked and I can only use a cartridge twice. I also find when I go over the same spot a few times to get all hair my head starts to feel quite sore. I use a Mach 3 on my neck and face which seems to not bring my neck up. I use a brush with Body Shop Maca Root shaving foam for both, which seems to be very smooth, but noticed when used on head and it runs in your eyes, stings like crazy.
I do like the idea of something traditional looking, and it doesn't have to be cheap. I'm not sure on what the pricing on these types of razors are, but anything from £50 to £200 would be acceptable so some options would be great. Would like new, as while I'm sure there are some amazing vintage ones to be had, for a gift I believe my wife will want it to be new. Any other recommendations like stands, or cases, luxury brushes and foams would be welcomed too.
Really totally new to this so any advice is really appreciated.