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Calling all German Wetshavers on B&B!

I live in Frankfurt. I've been wetshaving for a little while now and I've noted the obvious - a lot of wetshaving products come from Germany. Between Merkurs and Muehles, Tabac, Speick and Gold Dachs there's a lot of wetshaving brands that originate in Germany.

So then why is this stuff so hard to find in stores around here? Sure Douglas on the Zeil carries a bunch of over-priced items, but I am finding it almost impossible to find basic items (blades, shaving soaps & cremes, DE razors, etc.) anywhere else.:cursing:

There seems to be good representation at B&B from the US, UK, Canada and Australia, but I have come across few posts by Germans (I realise the language plays a big role) or expats living in Germany.

So in the interest of community I am calling on all Germans (or anyone else in the know) to share your wetshaving sources here in der Vaterland! :001_cool:

Wherever you have found a reliable source of wetshaving items (especially blades and shaving soaps) in Germany, PLEASE SHARE!!! We'll all be better for it! :biggrin1:

How about I start this off...

I have discovered the following sources:


- Douglas (at least the mega stores) carries a wide selection of Merkur razors but they seem to be about 20% more expensive than the market.
- Manufactum carries a few Merkur razors at a better price point than Douglas, however it is a much smaller selection (last week they only had a Slant and the travel razor).
- The Wilkinson Classic can be found at any drogerie or grocery store for about EUR 4.


- Wilkinson "White" Labels are ubiquitous and can be found just about everywhere for about EUR 4 for a pack of 10.
- Douglas carries Rotbart Duenn (EUR 5 - 10x) and Gillette Silvers (EUR 6 - 10x) both made in St. Petersberg, Russia.
- I've found some unbranded blades at Rossmarkt and the occasional Rewe. These are super-cheap (< EUR 2 -10x) but a bit rough.
- Manufactum carries Merkur blades (EUR 6 - 10x).


- You can pick up el cheapo Wilkinson (~ EUR 4-5) brushes at any drogerie or supermarket
- dm carries their own branded shaving stuff under the brand "Balea". I found a half decent brush (I assume mix of badge and boar) for EUR 7, including stand under this brand.
- Douglas has a relatively large selection of brushes at the mid- to high-ish range.

Soaps and Creams:

- By far the mega Douglas stores have the best selection across the range. I can't remember them all but last week I saw Tabac soap, Gold Dachs, Taylor of Old and Proraso to name a few. As usual expect to pay a bit more.
- Manufactum carries a small selection of upper end soaps and creams (can't remember them at the moment).
- Any drogerie or grocery store should carry at least two of either Nivea shave cream, Palmolive shave cream, Weleda shave cream or Florena shave cream. While most drogeries carry after-shaves and body soaps for Tabac and Irisch Moos, I have yet to find a shave soap.

Seriously, there must more out there, no?
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Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
Since you are in Frankfurt, do not forget places like Albrecht and Koberger for fragrances and shaving supplies as well. I always love to stop at Albrecht and see what super selection they have.
When I was in Berlin this summer, just about every Rossmann (Drogerei) had Sir Irisch Moos and Tabac shaving soaps (in addition to the ubiquitous Palmolive soap and cream and Nivea creams).
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Yeah, Rossmann is my main source for shaving products, as well. They have a cheap badger brush for about 8-12€. You should also try Ihr Platz (Alando Blades and HJM Aloe Vera shaving soap from Mühle) and DM (Tabac, Irish Moos, Speick, etc.)

But for the real great stuff you should check some perfumeries.
The Rossman near the Hauptwache carries several shaving products. Have you checked there? Karstadt also has a few.
The Müller drugstores have a few brushes and soaps as well.
You get the ultracheap Tobacco AS there as well. (~1,30Eur)
The Müller drugstores have a few brushes and soaps as well.
You get the ultracheap Tobacco AS there as well. (~1,30Eur)

plautze, as usual, great to see you here!

currently, i've got some family who are visiting Ludwigsburg, other than Douglas, do you fella's know a shop nearby i can send them too?
Hey josh, same same. :thumbup:

Sorry, Ludwigsburg is not my area, I ve no idea about any shops around there.
Except the standarts (Rossmann, Müller, DM, Schlecker), of course. And they should visit a few of the small turkish supermarkets (small small small) for Derby and Arko.

Its not easy to get shaving stuff in Germany, I have to order most of it in the Inet. :001_rolle
Hey josh, same same. :thumbup:

Sorry, Ludwigsburg is not my area, I ve no idea about any shops around there.
Except the standarts (Rossmann, Müller, DM, Schlecker), of course. And they should visit a few of the small turkish supermarkets (small small small) for Derby and Arko.

Its not easy to get shaving stuff in Germany, I have to order most of it in the Inet. :001_rolle

I'm just necroing a thread since it makes sense to not create new threads of the same topic!

I've been in Germany a bit now, but it always surprises me how hard it is to find DE/SE razors in this country. Sure the stores Rossman/DM have some great creams/occasional soap/1-2 brushes..

If you havn't checked it out go to Globus they carry a decent selection of brushes and creams and a pretty extensive Tabac line of products. But oddly enough some stores which carry 1 brand will be missing some products. Such as Rossman and DM which carry Irisch Moos... they'll have the cologone/AS but won't have the shave soap. The same goes with Tabac... you can find the Shaving Stick in Globus but not the bowl... Same with Speick which as a pretty extensive line of products. Rossman will have the AS/Deo spray but thats about it... no shave stick.

I've yet to find a store for razors and I've been to several countries... and I'm not really willing to go off the beaten path to find these places... they should be more main stream IMO!! In Switzerland I was visiting beautiful Lucerne and happened to see a TABAC Boutique store along the street.... it was just a Tobacco so not related to the TABAC line of products...
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