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cake building tobaccos

Well, if the honey/sugar smearing trick actually helps build cake faster, it would stand to reason that heavier cased/sweet blends would also possibly build it faster due to the extra sugars that are getting carbonized. The drawback there is the possible ghosting, if you consider that a drawback.
Well, if the honey/sugar smearing trick actually helps build cake faster, it would stand to reason that heavier cased/sweet blends would also possibly build it faster due to the extra sugars that are getting carbonized. The drawback there is the possible ghosting, if you consider that a drawback.
i have done the honey trick and it definitely helps, i hear a nice virginia make like a good shellac
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Prince Albert works pretty well for more rapid cake development. There's really nothing all that magical about the cake as far as I can tell. It's supposed to act as somewhat of an insulator for the briar to prevent overheating and potentially cracking the bowl but if you're heating it up that much you need to slow down anyway. I tend to let mine build up to a little less than the thickness of a dime (if even that) before I ream out the bowl. Too much cake creates just as many problems besides having less room for delicious tobacco!

If you do want to build up an even cake don't forsake the heel of the pipe. Load short bowls, like 1/3 full and develop the cake in the heel as well as the sidewalls. When you load full bowls you tend to have more dottle at the bottom of the bowl and it never carbonizes fully at the heel.
Prince Albert works pretty well for more rapid cake development. There's really nothing all that magical about the cake as far as I can tell. It's supposed to act as somewhat of an insulator for the briar to prevent overheating and potentially cracking the bowl but if you're heating it up that much you need to slow down anyway. I tend to let mine build up to a little less than the thickness of a dime (if even that) before I ream out the bowl. Too much cake creates just as many problems besides having less room for delicious tobacco!

If you do want to build up an even cake don't forsake the heel of the pipe. Load short bowls, like 1/3 full and develop the cake in the heel as well as the sidewalls. When you load full bowls you tend to have more dottle at the bottom of the bowl and it never carbonizes fully at the heel.
i have been doing 1/3 and 1/2 bowls to get the bottom--------funny thing is i have smoked off and on for years and never really thought about it till i came on here, now i actually became more attentive, none of my pipes ever really built up alot, i am not a heavy smoker, plus i had about 10 pipes and i alternated, now i just alternate about 4 or 5 my pipes maybe get 30 smokes a year at the most
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